Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Week Rundown! (06/09/13 - 06/15/13)

I was tired when I got up, but made it to church in time to run the van for morning services on Sunday. Malachi was a little slow getting ready, so it put Lydia behind on getting to church. Services were good, but the weather was humid. We had a good rest in the afternoon before returning to church for evening services. Afterwards, we visited for a bit before returning home.

On Monday, the heat started to arrive in our weather. We all had a great day‚ pretty normal. It was a bit hot sitting in the car while Mysia had her piano lessons though! The evening was pretty much the usual as well. The kids played and Lydia and I did the daily chores. After the kids went to bed, we watched an episode of "The Bible" on DVD.

Tuesday was a nice day for Lydia. During the summer, she has both Tuesday and Thursday to spend at home with Malachi. This will give her some time for stress relief from college, and the ability to get some things done she's put off due lately. I got up, dropped off Mysia and went to work. Mysia got to go swimming with the Boys & Girls Club. Lydia and Malachi spent the morning at home doing activities like play-dough! After lunch, Lydia went to the dentist for a teeth clean and then she took Malachi to the library. The evening was nice, the kids read books to fill up the chart from the library's summer reading program. After supper, we talked about the activities the library wants the kids to do, and which ones that we wanted to tackle. Both were excited with the prospects of things to do this summer, it was more difficult to get them showered and ready for bed.

Wednesday was pretty normal, nothing to exciting. Church services where nice, and the kids sat with us. We're trying to get them to learn how to behave in the main services, so far so good! Malachi was doing a word search and was upset because there he found all the words except the one at the top of the list.... "Find"!

Lydia spent the day at home with Malachi on Thursday, although they did a little bit of running around to the bank and store before lunch. Mysia had a field trip to the MSU Agricultural Center. She got the chance to milk a cow! That evening, I mowed the lawn after supper and took a dip in the waging pool with the kids. We found it to be a bit slimy, so we dumped and moved it to another location. It was them showers and bed!

Friday was different. I got up and when into work at 5am so that I could help participate in the KWFC Golf Tournament. Lydia got up later with the kids and actually made it into work a bit earlier than scheduled. My afternoon was spent taking and printing pictures of the golfers at Murder Rock near Branson. The evening was restful for me... After supper, I fell asleep on the couch!!! The kids watched Netflix and played. Lydia worked on the menu and grocery list, a task not easily done.

Saturday morning was rainy. We attended Teakwondo class and then Lydia went to the church ladies' meeting activity. The kids and I went home for lunch and naps. It rained, so we didn't get to go swim like we wanted to. Lydia made a grocery run before we headed over to my parent's house for supper and visit. Us guys had planned to go clay shooting, but the rain had also drenched that idea. We visited for the evening and then got home for showers before bed.


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