Monday, June 24, 2013

Week Rundown! (06/16/13 - 06/22/13)

Lydia woke up Sunday morning around 5 with a fast beating heart. Yes, she had another tachycardia attack. We tried several things to get her heart beat back to normal, but to now avail. After dropping the kids off with Granny, we headed to the ER. On the way, it finally started to go down. What a scare. We headed back home and she relaxed before morning services at church. We spent the afternoon with Lydia's mom and siblings. We watched the Flinstones, took naps, and talked wedding plans. After evening services, we enjoyed the birthday & anniversary dinner fellowship.

Monday back to the regular work week. Mysia had piano lessons before supper. The kids played and we did chores before the kids went to bed. Lydia and I stayed up and watched the Hobbit.

We had "Family Day" on Tuesday. We got up and got ready for free day at the Zoo. It was a bit crowded, but we got to most of the animal exhibits. The weather was nice, so we enjoyed the time. We even rode the train that went around the pond. For lunch, we went to McDonald's. Then it was back home for some rest and naps. It sure felt good! To finish our day, we went swimming at one of the public pools. For the first hour, it wasn't too crowded at all. Mysia spent most of her time at the diving board. Malachi was happy swimming around the fun water works. That evening, the kids took showers and we lazed around the house while watching AFV on Netflix. Malachi didn't last too long before falling asleep on the couch.

Wednesday was nice, and we had a good evening at church. Since many were at youth camp this week, attendance was low. I got the privilege of running media for the services.

I got up and headed out for a normal day on Thursday. However, when I arrived at work, it was hot! The AC was out. Yuck. Mysia had a fun day at Boys & Girls club. Lydia spent the day home with Malachi. They picked up Mysia later in the afternoon and visited the library. We had supper, the kids read and played games, then  ate some ice-cream before bed.

On Friday, Mysia had the privilege of going on a field trip to the Titanic museum in Branson. She was so excited about it, and talked about the adventure when she got home. I got off work early and took the chance to try out the driving range at a local golf course with a few of my coworkers. It was my first time and I stunk! After a quick supper, we met our Sunday school class at the bowling alley. All the families had fun playing a few games, especially the "glow bowling". Mysia and Malachi did very well.

We had a lazy morning on Saturday. Since taekwondo class was cancelled, the kids watched cartoons and we ate a late breakfast. We then tackled the house, getting all chores done and rooms picked up, before some late afternoon naps. The kids played for a bit, and then during supper we watched "A Little Princess". While the kids took showers, we watched a Roy Roger's movie, "Sons of the Pioneers".


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