Monday, July 1, 2013

Week Rundown! (06/23/13 - 06/29/13)

Sunday morning was Men's Prayer Breakfast at church, and Malachi went with me. He got to spend the afternoon at Granny's house with Aunt Abigail. Lydia, Mysia and I had a nice relaxing afternoon at home. After evening services, we came home and the kids played and watched some tv before bed. The dryer had broken down, so Lydia and I spent most of the evening cleaning the lint out of it and I was able to get it going again.

Monday was hot, and the temperature was expected to rise over the next few days. I sweated it out, sitting in the car after work while Mysia had her piano lessons. The kids and I had supper and played while attended a Zumba class. I waited until it cooled down a bit and then mowed the lawn. It really needed it!

On Tuesday, Lydia spent the day with Malachi getting things done around the house, etc. Lydia's dad visited later that afternoon. We had supper at who hot and enjoyed our visit. Once home, the kids took their showers and went to bed. Lydia and I got some things done around the house before turning in as well.

Mysia got to spend the day with her aunt Abigail on Wednesday. They played, went swimming, and played some more. After work, we attended evening church services. Mysia got to spend the night with Abigail.

Lydia and Malachi spent most of the day together while I went to work. Mysia once again spent the day with Abigail, until later that afternoon. We had Lycia and Jordan over for supper and games and had a good time with their visit.

I was awakened during the night/early Friday morning to a quick moving thunderstorm. I didn't think much of it, until that morning... our small wading pool had been picked up by the wind and wrapped around the slide in the backyard! Go figure. I was able to get off work early, so I picked up the kids and let them ride scooters before supper. We enjoyed the first part of the evening together, then Malachi went to a birthday party for the evening and the rest of us went for a dip in Granny's pool. We then went back to pick him up and ended spending a few hours visiting.

Saturday was a fun but busy day. We got things done around the house, including setting up the pool again, before heading for Taekwondo class. For lunch, we had pizza at my parents' house and we swam in their pool before heading back home. We had our friends, the Tolberts, over for grilled steak and potatoes. The kids played outside for the most part while we visited waiting for the food to finish cooking. We also played several board games before they left. Mysia got to go along and spend the night. I then left and helped Sam with moving. He had some furniture that needed loaded from his apartment. When I got back home... I was tired!


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