Thursday, July 18, 2013

Week Rundown! (07/07/13 - 07/13/13)

Lydia didn't get much sleep, and her infected eye was giving her trouble Sunday morning. She ended up staying home from church since it was bothering her and we were concerned it might be pink eye. I took the kids with me to church,

Monday morning, Lydia eye wasn't doing too good, so we dropped Mysia off and went to the clinic. The doctor was too sure what it might be, so he scheduled an appointment with the optometrist later that afternoon. I went into work, while Lydia waited at home with Malachi. Abigail took her to the doctor and found that it was just infected due to dirt or something that had gotten into it back on Saturday. Since our dryer was still down, we went over to my parents' house after supper. They let us dry two loads of laundry, and we went swimming in their pool!

Lydia went in to work on Tuesday to make up for missing the day before. That evening, we watched movies and let Lydia rest her eye.

Wednesday was fairly typical. We attended evening services at church and then came home and went to bed!

On Thursday, Lydia did some running around town with some errands. She her and Malachi visited with me at lunch. Mysia got to go swimming. After eating supper and getting a few things done around the house, we watched a movie together as a family before going to bed.

Friday was busy, trying to get things finished and ready for the weekend. During the evening, we worked on our TaeKwonDo moves and knowledge. We wanted to be ready for class the following morning. I also worked on my paper for the class to get me a stripe on my white belt. (I'll be posting it on my personal blog sometime this week)

We woke up and got moving on Saturday. We rushed getting ready, and left at a good time. Lydia has scheduled to meet with a lady selling a china tea set. So we bought it at a good price before heading to TaeKwonDo lessons. Next week is our testing for yellow belt, so we tried our best to make sure we knew are forms and moves. After class, Mysia got to go to a friends birthday party. She had a fun time. We had lunch and Malachi took a good nap. Since were obviously a close family... we spent the evening together. We worked on housework and then watched some videos together. Before bed Lydia gave us guys haircuts and we had baths/showers.


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