Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Week Rundown! (07/21/13 - 07/27/13)

Sunday was pretty normal with van route and church services. Abigail had spent the afternoon with us, and the kids took naps. We watched some Netflix and relaxed being lazy around the house.

Monday evening Lydia had Zumba class. The kids and I ate supper and we watched "The Mouse and the Motorcycle". We did a little house pick-up.

Still on her summer schedule, Lydia spent the day at home with Malachi on Tuesday. Her main focus was finances and bills. She even worked on it throughout the evening. What a wife!!! Of course, we still did family things together after supper, and the kids had their showers. We even snuck in some Netflix before bed!

Being the middle of the week, Wednesday was fairly  normal. After work, we attended evening services at church.

On Thursday, Lydia did some errands and went to the eye doctor. She then dropped Malachi off with me at lunchtime and went to work. Malachi spent the rest of the afternoon with me in the office. He took a nap and watched a movie while I worked. That evening, we ate supper at Rib Crib... great food!!! After returning home, the kids played education games on the computer and took showers before bed. There were also a few house chored that we had to take care of, but that's normal!

Lydia and I took off work a little early and we attended a Springfield Cardinal game, courtesy of the Boys and Girls Club and French's Mustard. They fed us hamburgers and hot dogs before the game started. It had been a very rainy day, so the weather was cool while we watched the Cardinals beat the Arkansas Naturals, 7-2! Afterwards, they put on a fireworks show at the stadium.

We got up Saturday and headed to church for the Super Family Rally. It was a one-day event in place of a week-long VBS. We learned about David and Goliath, and fighting the giants that come to attack our family. We also made sling-shots, with contests outside and an epic marshmallow war! I ran drove one of the church vans. Afterwards, we came home and then went to a PTA meeting. The kids played in the pool and we had hamburgers and hot dogs. We were tired that evening, so after showers, we watched an episode of "How Stuff Works" on wheat production, and then went to bed.


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