Monday, August 5, 2013

Week Rundown! (07/28/13 - 08/03/13)

After the busy day without naps, Sunday was destined to be a bit tiring for me! Malachi and I woke up and attended Men's Prayer Breakfast at church, and then he spent the morning with Granddad and Granny while I did the church van route. Lydia and Mysia met us at church for morning services. Malachi went back to Granddad and Granny's house for the afternoon, while the rest of us went home. After lunch, I napped. Mysia watched "Care-bears" while Lydia read a book, enjoying the peaceful afternoon. I dropped Lydia and Mysia off at my mom's while I headed to church early for drama practice (we'll be performing the skit on the 25th of August).

Monday turned out to be interesting. Malachi was supposed to have lunch with me and then spend the afternoon with his Aunt Abigail, but Mysia had some stomach problems at the Boys and Girls Club, so she got to join us! She remained with me in the office for the rest of the afternoon. We visited with Granny before heading home. Lydia had some queasiness throughout the day, so she skipped her zumba class. After supper, I took the chance of the nice weather to mow the lawn. We opened the windows (something quite odd for the last week in July) and enjoyed the rest of the evening.

After a night of storms and heavy rainfall, we woke up Tuesday to find that our backyard was flooded. I'm so glad I had mowed the evening before! Lydia went into work after dropping Mysia off at Boys and Girls Club. I took the day off from work to spend with Malachi. We got several things done around the house and played. We spent some time beating levels on Super Mario Brothers. After lunch, we visited Grandma Taylor and Aunt Abigail, then returned home for a short nap. Once Lydia and Mysia came home, we ate hotdogs and bratwurst while watching a few episodes of "Robin Hood" on Netflix. There were a few household chores that needed done before bed, and we watched it rain again!

On Wednesday, I left for work and dropped Mysia off at Boys and Girls Club. Lydia texted me once I got to work. On her way to pick up our sitter, Malachi broke out in hives while in the van! She stopped by the store and got him some Benadryl. He was fine for most of the day, but that evening we wondered if something had actually bit him on the neck and arms. We're not too sure. His breakfast was a banana and strawberry yogurt. For supper we had pizza, and Mysia used a couple we had found from earlier in the school year that she had for a free personal pan pizza! She was excited about it. At church, several of the older women approached us for a remedy for Malachi's allergic reaction that was visible on his neck. They said it looked like poison ivy, or something similar. The suggestion was to try the blue Dawn dish-soap. So, once home, he had a shower and I scrubbed him down. He smelled like our clean dishes!!! He admitted that it did stop the irritation. I checked on him during the night, and he seemed to be sleeping well.

One of the first things I did Thursday morning was check on Malachi. His neck had some red marks, but it was noticeably better. Whew! Mysia and I got ready and headed out. Lydia worked on the grocery menu before she took Malachi with her for the shopping around town. We had a quick supper that evening and then headed to church to meet with our Tae-Kwon-Do class for a snack and awards. All four of us were awarded yellow belts! Yay! Malachi got awarded the "Spirit Award" for most improved student. It was a great night!

Mysia spent the day with Granny on Friday. After work, we tried taking the kids to the library, but they were already closed. We returned home and ate supper. Malachi gave us a a but of a fit with eating, and was acting tired, so he went to bed. Mysia stayed up and played Mario on the Wii.

We woke up Saturday to rain. A lot of it! The backyard was flooded once again. We attended Tae-Kwon-Do class, learning some new kicks. Before heading home, we stopped by the library. Mysia and Malachi had finished their book reading charts and received a free book. We spent time there checking out books and letting the kids put on a puppet show. We ate a great lunch at home and the kids took naps. Lydia worked on the finances (she's great at it of course), and we did housework. I also had some computer projects I'm working on that I tried to tackle. The kids worked on their rooms before a simple supper and took baths. Mysia played some games on the computer and Malachi played with toys before bed.


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