Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Week Rundown! (07/21/13 - 07/27/13)

Sunday was pretty normal with van route and church services. Abigail had spent the afternoon with us, and the kids took naps. We watched some Netflix and relaxed being lazy around the house.

Monday evening Lydia had Zumba class. The kids and I ate supper and we watched "The Mouse and the Motorcycle". We did a little house pick-up.

Still on her summer schedule, Lydia spent the day at home with Malachi on Tuesday. Her main focus was finances and bills. She even worked on it throughout the evening. What a wife!!! Of course, we still did family things together after supper, and the kids had their showers. We even snuck in some Netflix before bed!

Being the middle of the week, Wednesday was fairly  normal. After work, we attended evening services at church.

On Thursday, Lydia did some errands and went to the eye doctor. She then dropped Malachi off with me at lunchtime and went to work. Malachi spent the rest of the afternoon with me in the office. He took a nap and watched a movie while I worked. That evening, we ate supper at Rib Crib... great food!!! After returning home, the kids played education games on the computer and took showers before bed. There were also a few house chored that we had to take care of, but that's normal!

Lydia and I took off work a little early and we attended a Springfield Cardinal game, courtesy of the Boys and Girls Club and French's Mustard. They fed us hamburgers and hot dogs before the game started. It had been a very rainy day, so the weather was cool while we watched the Cardinals beat the Arkansas Naturals, 7-2! Afterwards, they put on a fireworks show at the stadium.

We got up Saturday and headed to church for the Super Family Rally. It was a one-day event in place of a week-long VBS. We learned about David and Goliath, and fighting the giants that come to attack our family. We also made sling-shots, with contests outside and an epic marshmallow war! I ran drove one of the church vans. Afterwards, we came home and then went to a PTA meeting. The kids played in the pool and we had hamburgers and hot dogs. We were tired that evening, so after showers, we watched an episode of "How Stuff Works" on wheat production, and then went to bed.


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Week Rundown! (07/14/13 - 07/20/13)

On Sunday, we attended a wedding of Lydia's college classmates. The weather was hot and humid.

Mysia got to spend the day with her Aunt Abigail on Monday. During piano lessons, Mysia was happy to find out she was to work on "Jesus Loves Me". She practiced the song several time during the evening. Lydia attended her zumba class that evening.

Tuesday was a special day. I took it off from work. Lydia spent most of the day with Mysia. After breakfast, they went out to Firestone Pottery and painted pottery pieces. They stopped and got a cupcake before returning home for sandwiches and tea. Malachi and i went fishing. Within thirty minutes, he caught 3 and I caught 5. They were too small to keep, so we threw them back. We spent time at the park so he could run off energy, and then we ate lunch at McDonald's. We all took naps and then spent the evening

Malachi got to spend some time with Abigail on Wednesday. We attended evening services at church, then came home and watched some tv together before bed.

Thursday evening we did some chores around the house.

Friday was hectic. It was a big concert day for me, so I rushed to work to get as much accomplished before the event. Lydia picked up the kids and they got to spend the evening with their cousins under the watch of Granny and Granddad. They visited McDonald's and got to play outside! Lydia attended the concert with me. It was great! The vocal talent of the Nelons and LeFevre Quartet is fantastic. After the concert, we visited with my siblings past midnight!

Saturday morning we got up and rushed off to Taekwondo testing. All four of us tested our white belt knowledge in hopes that we'll be awarded yellow belt! Both Mysia and Malachi did great, however, there were instances where Lydia and I both messed up. We came home, ate lunch, and then took naps. We were all tired. We did some house cleaning, focusing on the kids' rooms, and ate a late supper. Before bed, watched a neat episode on "How Stuff Works" about corn. Malachi was intrigued!


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Week Rundown! (07/07/13 - 07/13/13)

Lydia didn't get much sleep, and her infected eye was giving her trouble Sunday morning. She ended up staying home from church since it was bothering her and we were concerned it might be pink eye. I took the kids with me to church,

Monday morning, Lydia eye wasn't doing too good, so we dropped Mysia off and went to the clinic. The doctor was too sure what it might be, so he scheduled an appointment with the optometrist later that afternoon. I went into work, while Lydia waited at home with Malachi. Abigail took her to the doctor and found that it was just infected due to dirt or something that had gotten into it back on Saturday. Since our dryer was still down, we went over to my parents' house after supper. They let us dry two loads of laundry, and we went swimming in their pool!

Lydia went in to work on Tuesday to make up for missing the day before. That evening, we watched movies and let Lydia rest her eye.

Wednesday was fairly typical. We attended evening services at church and then came home and went to bed!

On Thursday, Lydia did some running around town with some errands. She her and Malachi visited with me at lunch. Mysia got to go swimming. After eating supper and getting a few things done around the house, we watched a movie together as a family before going to bed.

Friday was busy, trying to get things finished and ready for the weekend. During the evening, we worked on our TaeKwonDo moves and knowledge. We wanted to be ready for class the following morning. I also worked on my paper for the class to get me a stripe on my white belt. (I'll be posting it on my personal blog sometime this week)

We woke up and got moving on Saturday. We rushed getting ready, and left at a good time. Lydia has scheduled to meet with a lady selling a china tea set. So we bought it at a good price before heading to TaeKwonDo lessons. Next week is our testing for yellow belt, so we tried our best to make sure we knew are forms and moves. After class, Mysia got to go to a friends birthday party. She had a fun time. We had lunch and Malachi took a good nap. Since were obviously a close family... we spent the evening together. We worked on housework and then watched some videos together. Before bed Lydia gave us guys haircuts and we had baths/showers.


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Week Rundown! (06/30/13 - 07/06/13)

At church, we got to enjoy the singing of the Dartt Family during the Sunday morning services. It was great to be able to see them again. The weather was much cooler that afternoon than previous days. The kids took naps and we spent the latter part of the afternoon reading. We discovered that our dryer had died, and wouldn't start. We put together dessert before heading to church to help prepare for the Independence Day Celebration. After evening services, we ate at watched fireworks! Yay!

On Monday, Mysia got to go on a field trip to the Japanese Stroll Gardens. She said that the flowers and plants were awesome. The weather was nice and cool, which made me happy since I sat in the car during her piano lessons.

The weather continued to be nice on Tuesday. Lydia and Malachi went grocery shopping before naps that afternoon. Mysia got to go swimming at the with the Boys & Girls Club. That evening, the kids played in the backyard while supper was being prepared. They read books before showers and bed.

Wednesday evening was spent at church and then we stopped by Grandma's house for ice-cream and cake in celebration of her birthday. We had a good visit with the family on the back deck.

Since Thursday was the Independence Day holiday, we had a lazy morning and afternoon.  We did get a few things done around the house, and after naps we headed downtown for some fun! Our fist stop was the Discovery Center. While there, we took part in the exhibits and put our knowledge to the test. Once we completed our tour, we walked to the Ice Skating rink. It was first time for Mysia and Malachi to try skating. It was odd to think we were skating in July! We then ate some shaved ice and headed to find our spots at the stadium for the fireworks. We were told that it was super-crowed, so we chose a place on a hill outside the stadium. It then began to ran. We walked back to the skating rink, and the kids enjoyed an hour playing on the inflatable bouncy houses and activities. Finally, as the evening drew to a close, we once again found that spot on the hill and watched the fireworks before returning home and eating some ice cream and watermelon before bed!

We woke up Friday and began to set out items for our "yard sale". I went and hung up a few signs to direct people to our house. Through the day, we made a few sales, but not as much as we wanted. The kids played outside for most of the day. After naps, they played in the wading pool I had cleaned up and refilled with water that morning. For supper, I grilled hamburgers and we packed up the "stuff". We took showers and did some reading before bed.

There wasn't much sleeping in on Saturday. We had the yard set up for the sale by 7 and ready for buyers. A few came and went throughout the day. The kids and I rode bikes up and down the street while the morning was cool, and then Lydia took them to taekwondo class while I watched over our yard. Malachi got more stripes for his white belt and Lydia won the tiger tales activity. After naps, the kids played in the pool. Lydia met up with Lycia for a visit and then got some groceries. We ate supper and then packed up what was left of our yard sale. Lydia and the kids made "dirt cake" and I took the kids to the park for a short bike ride before they got showers and put to bed. Lydia's right eye started bugging her (it got infected), so she spent the evening trying to rest it.


Monday, July 1, 2013

Week Rundown! (06/23/13 - 06/29/13)

Sunday morning was Men's Prayer Breakfast at church, and Malachi went with me. He got to spend the afternoon at Granny's house with Aunt Abigail. Lydia, Mysia and I had a nice relaxing afternoon at home. After evening services, we came home and the kids played and watched some tv before bed. The dryer had broken down, so Lydia and I spent most of the evening cleaning the lint out of it and I was able to get it going again.

Monday was hot, and the temperature was expected to rise over the next few days. I sweated it out, sitting in the car after work while Mysia had her piano lessons. The kids and I had supper and played while attended a Zumba class. I waited until it cooled down a bit and then mowed the lawn. It really needed it!

On Tuesday, Lydia spent the day with Malachi getting things done around the house, etc. Lydia's dad visited later that afternoon. We had supper at who hot and enjoyed our visit. Once home, the kids took their showers and went to bed. Lydia and I got some things done around the house before turning in as well.

Mysia got to spend the day with her aunt Abigail on Wednesday. They played, went swimming, and played some more. After work, we attended evening church services. Mysia got to spend the night with Abigail.

Lydia and Malachi spent most of the day together while I went to work. Mysia once again spent the day with Abigail, until later that afternoon. We had Lycia and Jordan over for supper and games and had a good time with their visit.

I was awakened during the night/early Friday morning to a quick moving thunderstorm. I didn't think much of it, until that morning... our small wading pool had been picked up by the wind and wrapped around the slide in the backyard! Go figure. I was able to get off work early, so I picked up the kids and let them ride scooters before supper. We enjoyed the first part of the evening together, then Malachi went to a birthday party for the evening and the rest of us went for a dip in Granny's pool. We then went back to pick him up and ended spending a few hours visiting.

Saturday was a fun but busy day. We got things done around the house, including setting up the pool again, before heading for Taekwondo class. For lunch, we had pizza at my parents' house and we swam in their pool before heading back home. We had our friends, the Tolberts, over for grilled steak and potatoes. The kids played outside for the most part while we visited waiting for the food to finish cooking. We also played several board games before they left. Mysia got to go along and spend the night. I then left and helped Sam with moving. He had some furniture that needed loaded from his apartment. When I got back home... I was tired!
