Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Week Rundown! (12/01/13 - 12/07/13)

I ran the church van Sunday morning. Lydia and the kids rode with me after services and then we had a restful afternoon at home. We attended the Ozarks Gospel Showcase later in the afternoon. It was the "Christmas Edition". We went out for dinner and enjoyed the rest of the evening at home.

Since we're down to one vehicle, Monday was a new challenge for us. We left, dropped the kids off at school, I took Lydia to her work, and then heading into my job. I met the tow truck at the bank to pick up the car and take to the auto mechanic.

Tuesday turned out pretty well. We're still trying to get used to one vehicle. Lydia dropped us off before heading to classes. She picked up the kids afterwards and they got to spend the evening with their Aunt Lycia and Uncle Jordan. Lydia and I attended KWFC employee Christmas party. We ate at Colton's and enjoyed the fellowship. Once back home, we went to bed!

Wednesday was a rush. We came home and ate real quick before heading to church. Time was short to get ready, but we made it in time. The kids worked on decorating bags for the elderly in the nursing home as part of their craft time.

The day of excitement came on Thursday... we got snow! The kids were excited (me too). Lydia got to spend the latter part of the  afternoon with me in my office since she got done with classes by 2:30. By the time we got the kids, the weather was getting awful. It took us 45 minutes to get home! While Lydia fixed supper, the kids and I went outside to enjoy the falling snow. I tried shoveling while the Mysia and Malachi played. The kids rejoiced when we were notified that schools were closed for Friday! While eating supper, we watched the live television performance of the "Sound Of Music". Then it was off to bed.

It was too treacherous to venture onto the roads on Friday, so we made it a snow-day! We listened to Christmas music for the entire morning. The kids were excited, and after breakfast, they played for an hour in the snow. Once back inside, we had hot chocolate, cleaned rooms, and then played a long game of Monopoly. We ate lunch and Lydia won. Mysia and Malachi took a short nap. Once back up, they played with crafts and went back outside in the snow before it got dark.

We stayed home and watched Christmas cartoons Saturday morning. We also did some cleaning and some crafts with the kids. They also got to play outside in the snow. I brought them along with me to work so I could record my show for Sunday afternoon, and afterwards they got to sled down the big hill. I videoing them when they crashed onto the asphalt. Poor Malachi walked away with a goose-egg on his forehead. Once home, Lydia made supper and they watched movies. I attended our church's cantata practice for choir that evening.


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