Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Week Rundown! (12/22/13 - 12/28/13)

Malachi was still sick on Sunday morning. Lydia stayed home with him while Mysia and I ran the church van and attended morning church services. Malachi was feeling much better after a nap during the afternoon. I stayed home during the evening services. I thought I could take advantage of the situation and get some rest... yeah right. Malachi was definitely over his sickness.

The kids didn't have school on Monday, so they went to work with me for the first part of the day. I had a lot to get accomplished too. Thankfully, Granny took them after lunch. Once off work, we visited for a bit and then came home. We watched the "Nativity Story" before bed. The kids were inquisitive during the entire movie, and we enjoyed the topics and discussion it brought

Even though it was Christmas Eve on Tuesday, it was our Christmas at home. We got up, got dressed, ate a quick breakfast and tore into the gifts! Actually, we took turns. Mysia's main gift from us was part of a scavenger hunt that took her around the house. Malachi got several boxes of Legos that kept us busy for most of the afternoon. Gampa Keim came over for a visit and we ate supper before heading off to the candle-light services at church. On our way home, we tried looking at houses decorated with Christmas lights... Sadly, there weren't very many this year.

Christmas day finally arrived! We got up, ate breakfast, and found what was in our stockings. We then packed gifts and headed over to my parent's house. We visited, played, ate a big dinner, and then opened up gifts. Mysia got some boots she's been wanting, and a nice winter coat. Malachi got a radio-control car! We had fun, and came home tired!

Lydia went into work on Thursday. We dropped her off and the kids went into the office with me so I could get a few things done before I had the rest of the week off on vacation. We headed over to my parent's house to say hi to my brother Ben and his family. The cousins played  for a bit, I talked technology with my brother, and then we came home. Mysia and Malachi played outside for a bit until time to pick up Lydia from work. We spent the evening getting things done around the house and resting.

I spent Friday at home with the kids while Lydia went to work. I want to say I got to spend a lazy time, but there were things to do. Of course, the kids kept me busy as well. They got to play outside for a bit after naps. We ate supper and then spent the evening playing games with my parents and siblings... staying up late!

We slept in an extra hour on Saturday, then it was time for weekend chores. We spent some Christmas money and went to see "Despicable Me 2". It was a fun family film. Then we went to McDonalds before coming home. The evening was spent packing up the Christmas decorations!


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