Thursday, December 26, 2013

Week Rundown! (12/15/13 - 12/21/13)

I ran the church vans Sunday morning. Malachi performed with his age group during the morning services. He did very well, and didn't miss a thing! The afternoon was spent at church helping with the older children's practice for their evening program. I was to be one of the speakers, and even Mysia had a solo part. It was a long afternoon. The program went well that evening.

We woke up Monday knowing it was going to be a busy day. Lydia met with some of the PTA at school when we dropped off the kids. She was helping send out an order of jellies that the many of the kids sold to raise funds for the school. I went with Lydia as she visited the doctor to follow up on the tachycardia attack she had last week. She's doing fine, and we're still mystified on what's causing her to have the attacks. We ate lunch together and then both of us went to work. When I got off, I picked up the kids and took Mysia to piano lessons. We then picked up Lydia and took her to the chiropractor appointment. That evening we attended our taekwando class Christmas party. We ate and had a fun gift exchange.

On Tuesday, Lydia did the grocery shopping and took the kids to the store to do some Christmas shopping. We had a nice evening at home.

I sold my car on Wednesday. Malachi brought home a gingerbread house he had made at school. It was heavily decorated. There was a lot of thought in the construction. Malachi says that the gingerbread man represents me... The man is falling down after trying to decorate the house with lights! That evening was a bit rushed, but we made it to church services on time. Lydia and Mysia were tired when we got home.

On Thursday, I had a dentist appointment late afternoon. Lydia and I did a little Christmas shopping before picking up the kids. We ate supper and then I took Mysia and Malachi shopping for Lydia's gifts. Lydia baked cookies all evening. They turned out great!

The kids got to spend most of the day with me in my office since school was out. They spent the afternoon with Granny and Granddad before coming home. We watched movies and baked cookies. Before bed, Malachi started acting a bit odd. Sure enough, he was running a temperature. Since he wasn't feeling good, we let him and Mysia fall asleep on the couch. In fact, we all spent the night there!

Since Malachi was sick, Saturday ended up being a lazy day. We had received frozen rain, so there wasn't any urge to go anywhere either. We watched tv, and got things done around the house. It was much like a holiday for everyone but poor Malachi. Just when we thought he was getting better, he started vomiting in the later afternoon. Unfortunately, it continued through the rest of the evening.


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