Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Week Rundown! (04/28/14 - 05/03/14)

Malachi and I attended the Men's Prayer Breakfast at church Sunday morning. I ran the church van before Sunday school. We spent the afternoon at Me-maw's house, visiting with Uncles and Aunts, plus cousin Haivyn. After evening services, we got Sonic shakes (half price) and enjoyed some tv before bed.

Monday went well and Mysia attended her weekly piano lessons after I got off work. We met Lydia at home, got dinner prepared, and the kids worked on homework. We watched some Gilligan's Island before they went to bed. Lydia stayed up late working on homework and I worked on some projects.

On Tuesday evening, the kids worked on homework while I burnt supper. Yes, I wasn't paying attention as the ravioli got overcooked on the stove. Lydia arrived home from class in time to eat my mistake (it was too bad). The kids took showers and Malachi read me a book. He also got his Lego magazine in the mail, so we went through it, doing the projects on each page.

The kids and I attended Wednesday evening services while Lydia was at her college class. After church, we stopped by Sonic and got a treat before heading home.

Thursday evening was nice and a bit restful. I stopped by Pregnancy Care Center to get our Sunday School Class involved in Baby Bottle Campaign! The kids got their homework done before Lydia arrived home from class, and they watched some tv before bed. I mowed the lawn, getting it done while the weather was cool.

On Friday,  The kids and I beat Lydia home and I helped get supper ready before heading over to help my friend Doug with installing a washing machine and dryer. Thankfully, we had no problems or issues with the installation. Back at home, we watched some tv before going to bed.

Saturday morning we slept in, and then the kids and I headed for Taekwondo class. Lydia worked on housework for most of the day and then homework. When the kids and I arrived back at home, we ate lunch and then they played outside. I had a few projects to work on around the house, and then I did our bi-weekly grocery run.


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