Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Week Rundown! (05/04/14 - 05/10/14)

I ran the church van Sunday morning before church services. Lydia and the kids arrived in time for Sunday School. During the afternoon, Lydia headed off to college to meet with her classmates to work on a project due before finals. Mysia got to hang out with Aunt Abigail. I took Malachi to the park to attend a birthday party for one of his school classmates. The weather was super nice, and a bit hot.

Monday was hot. Malachi and I sat in the car while Mysia attended her weekly piano lessons. Once home, I fired up the grill for hamburgers and the kids finished their homework before playing in the sprinkler. We got Malachi registered for supper baseball and the met Lydia at home. We ate supper while watching Gilligan's Island before going to bed.

On Tuesday evening, I picked up the kids after work and we headed to the Fairgrounds for the school attendance party. Mysia had 99-100% in attendance to school, and was invited to participate. We ate hot-dogs, chips, Krispy Kreme donuts, and candy. The kids won prizes at the different booths and enjoyed playing on the inflatable bounce houses. Mysia also won an awesome scrap-book kit as a door-prize. Lydia finished her class and made it home before us. The kids got their homework done and showers before bed.

Lydia had classes Wedneday evening. The kids and I attended church services and stopped by Pineapple Whip to pick up a few gift certificates for their teachers. We met Lydia back at home, watched some tv, and then went to bed.

Lydia and I attended the graduation at BBC, It was neat to see some of our friends walk. Aunt Abigial picked up the kids, and they got to spend the evening with her. Lydia and I went to see a special preview "Mom's Night Out" at the theatre. It was a fantastic movie!

Friday was Lydia last day at White & Associates. She was sad to leave her job of three years, but anxious to see what will happen when she starts her new job a BKD in a few weeks. I picked up the kids from school and dropped them off with Granny berfore heading back to work. After getting off work, Lydia picked them up and headed home. Lydia and Mysia attended Mother & Daughters Banquet at church that evening. Malachi helped me put fix Lydia's porch swing. It was quite a project, but I got it done before the girls arrived back home.

Saturday was "Mother's Day" for Lydia since Sunday mornings are hectic. The kids served Lydia hot chocolate before we headed out for breakfast at iHop. After breakfast, we spent a few hours at the library checking out books. We came home with about twenty. We watched "Swiss Family Robinson" and then spent some time outside. The kids and I played catch while Lydia relaxed on the portch swing with a book. Lydia then enjoyed the evening with her mom and sisters at a ladies banquet. The kids and I watched "Mythbusters" before going to bed.


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