Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Week Rundown! (06/01/14 - 06/07/14)

On Sunday morning, I ran the church vans. Services were normal, and we took naps during the afternoon. After evening services we relaxed before going to bed.

Monday was back to the new summer schedule. The kids spent most of the day at the Boys & Girls Club until Aunt Abigail picked them up for the afternoon. They played outside with water balloons and in the sprinkler. I visited with my parents after work while Lydia attended her zumba class. Once home, we had supper before bed.

Tuesday was an exciting day for the kids... They got to go swimming! They were tired when they got home that evening. Uncle Sam visited and had supper with us. Aunt Madisen came over after she got off work.

On Wednesday, we came home, ate a quick supper, and then headed for church. After services, we came home and relaxed before time for bed.

Thursday was pretty neat for me. I got to visit the "Passages" museum with my co-workers. It was awesome, but we need to go back. The evening was relaxing for our family. Besides regular house chores, we watched some "Flintstones" from the library.

Friday was another exciting one for the kids, as they got to go to the park as a field trip. However, it rained for most of the day th

On Saturday, we hurried and got ready for our TaeKwonDo Open House. We got to show others how our class runs. There was participation by those watching, then we had skits, sparring, and board breaking demonstrations. Mysia was able to bring along her friend Ana. We ate lunch while there and then headed home. We watched some tv and the kids worked on their rooms.


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