Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Week Rundown! (09/16/12 - 09/22/12)


Church van were full once again this week

We took naps in the afternoon, and the kids played legos until time for church. After church services, we attended the Birthday & Anniversary fellowship before going home.


Today it was back to our schedules. This evening, we ate supper and the kids played with legos. Lydia worked on laundry and I mowed the lawn, it really needed it after getting the much needed rain over the weekend. Lydia and the kids danced to the Wii for a bit, and then it was showers and bed!


This evening we ate supper and let the kids play while we worked on budget and financial things. We then worked on a few projects around the house. Before getting the kids ready for bed, we watched home videos of Malachi's birth and the few months following up to Christmas of that year. It was neat getting to see him as an infant and Mysia as a toddler. Hearing his cry reminded us how glad we are not to hear that in the night anymore, and seeing Mysia hug on him that much makes us wonder how he survived these last 4 years!


Today was busy for both Lydia and I, but we made it through. Before school, Mysia and I looked at the material offered at her school's book fair, and we purchased one that she wanted.

Lydia picked up both the kids, and I met them at home. We ate a quick supper and headed off to church. Both Lydia and I were tired, but the children's services went fairly well. Once back home, we let the kids have a snack and they went to bed. Lydia worked on homework.


It was a busy day for me. KWFC decided to a special fundraiser called 20 on 20. We asked listeners to help us raise $20,000 on this the 20th of September. We ended up raising over $15 thousand! Not too bad. We stayed at the station until 9pm for the event.

At lunch, my friend Doug went with me to BBC's cafeteria since it was $3 Thursday. Not a bad price for a meal! We sat with the college students from our church. Perhaps a bit out of place, but we had fun!

Since I stayed at work, Lydia picked up the kids and headed home. They ate supper, watched some tv, and then went to bed. Lydia was working on homework when I came home.


Early this morning we had a hailstorm... it was intense! The kids ended up sleeping on the floor beside our beds due to the loud thunder. We even lost electricity for a bit.

Lydia and I both came home from work a bit earlier than normal. We watched the Brady Bunch on tv, then the kids got to go the the Grandparents' house for the evening. They had a blast. Lydia and I had our friends, Noah and Courtney, over for the evening. We had a great visit, and Lydia got to share her Microsoft Office skills. Yup... Lydia is now a computer geek! ;)


We slept in a bit, but it didn't last long. Today was a blur of business and stress. We ended up visiting two banks... one to close accounts and one to open them. Yes, after dealing with a month of headache, we moved banks. We acted as if it were a field trip for the kids, because, seriously... for them, it was boring. They did like acting for the security cameras!

We spent the evening at home, working on finances and budget. The played after some rest time, and then watched Woody Woodpecker before going to bed.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Week Rundown! (09/09/12 - 09/15/12)


This morning I ran the church van. We were actually full for the first time in several months! It was exciting! The weather was nice, so this afternoon, we were able to have the windows open and naps felt so good...

After evening service, we attended the appreciation dinner for teachers and helpers.


After work, I met Lydia and the kids at Mysia's school for open house. Lydia had volunteered to watch the PTA table, encouraging other parents to join. After hanging around the table for a bit, we then went and visited Mysia's classroom. She showed us her seat and the things she does during the day. I then took the kids out to play on the the playground while the Lydia went back to helping with the PTA table.

Back at home, we had them take their showers and get ready for bed. Lydia worked on homework while I caught up on some of the blogs I follow.


I picked the kids up from daycare and Boy's and Girl's club. Lydia stayed at the college for a class/meeting. The kids and I ate supper and then they spent the evening picking up their rooms!


Today was long for me. I got the chance to paint my office at work... it needed it!

We ate a quick supper and headed off to church. It was the second week of Master Clubs (children's services) and was promising to be busy. And it was! The planned schedule changed once we got there, but things turned out okay. Whew....!


After getting home from work, we spent the evening with things around the house and watching a few episodes of Dick Van Dyke Show before sending the kids to bed. Lydia stayed up and worked on homework.


I had the day off so I could spend the day with Malachi. He had a wellness check with the doctor, which turned out well. We spent the afternoon at home for a bit, eating ramen noodles for lunch and playing with toys. We then headed over and picked up Granny from her work and went to Mysia's school. It was Grandparent's day, and I had volunteered to take pictures.

We spent several hours taking pictures and greeting the grandparents. We then stayed for "friday sing". After school let out, Granny (my mom) treated us to dipped cones at McDonalds! Yum!

We ate bean dip, watched some Netflix, and then went to bed!


Today, Malachi turned 5! Wow... how time flies!

We slept in, and the kids watched tv for most of the morning. Once we got moving around, we picked up the house, ate lunch, and the kids got naps. I did some grocery shopping and then we got things ready for Malachi's party.

Once the family showed up, I got the hamburgers going on the grill. Malachi got gifts and enjoyed his party!


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Week Rundown! (09/2/12 - 09/08/12)


We were still in Kansas visiting Silas & Kristi... and our 9 year wedding anniversary! Wow!!!

We woke up and got ready for church services. Before heading to church, I packed most of our belongings into the van.

Mysia and Malachi attended the Sunday school with the other kids, and then sat with us during the morning services. Afterwards we grabbed a quick lunch and visited before hitting the road home. We made several pit -stops, but made it home in about five hours. We were tired, but happy to have made a safe journey. We unpacked and made it to our beds!


We slept in! After the trip yesterday, we were happy to have a day with some rest.We got things accomplished around the house, watched some movies, and took naps!

After supper, We had some Andy's ice cream with Granny, Grandad, Sam, and Abigail.


Lydia stayed at school for the first part of the evening to work on homework. I picked up the kids, ate a quick supper at home, and then watched tv together until Lydia arrived home. The kids took showers and then went to bed.


Tonight was "Fun night" for Master Clubs at church. We had a great lesson, games, and even a snack. There were a lot of kids, and boy... the evening was hectic! ;)


After work, I met Lydia at home we all rushed over to the other side of town. The Pregnancy Care Center to view the dedication of their new mobile unit. It's exciting to see what's been going on there.

We came home, ate, and then let the kids play before they went to bed. Lydia then turned to her homework while I did some computer projects.


We were able to meet at home a little early... and the storms rolled in! It was amazing to watch the clouds above. We spent the evening watching some old tv shows and getting things done around the house.


We slept in for a bit, ate a quick breakfast, and then headed over to my parent's house. Malachi and Mysia got to spend several hours playing with their cousins Elijah and Jonathan. We got home in the afternoon and the kids got to play with five friends for three hours!

For supper, we met up with my family at Chick-Fil-A. We visited for a while before Benjamin and his family had to hit the road home. Back at home, we had showers and got to bed!


Monday, September 10, 2012

At The Playground

Yes, I'm sitting here at the playground at Mysia's school typing this quick post with my nook color.

The kids are playing, hopefully getting rid of all that energy that's obviously been bottled up. I've actually been looking over all the blog ideas I've jotted down, but never completed. So, before I get to them, I figured I'd write another one... yet this one I'll actually complete and post asap.

Right now the weather is nice, with a cool breeze. The sun is getting ready to set, and it feels good to have the the warmth on my skin. Malachi is climbing all over the playground equipment, trying to reach the highest of all places at record speed. Mysia has already described many of the games she has learned from her school friends. Lydia is inside taking care of the PTA table.

I realize that this post isn't much of anything specific, but it might give a glimpse of the somewhat normal life we live. I think.... :)

Now to wait until I get  home and onto wifi so can actually post it!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I Stumble...

Yes, as the title of this post proclaims, I stumble. Not in walking, but in talking. Sometimes I get carried away in my talk, and I stumble over what I'm saying.

I try my best to be clear, but I often will say something backwards or completely wrong. It just happens. Of course, all I can do is laugh. There's no sense in kicking myself for it. Most of the time, it's just too late. One thing guaranteed... it's always humorous.

Let me take what happened last week as an example....

I'm sitting in my office, two of my co-workers standing there. The phone rings. I answer. The man on the line asks if the rainy weather will eventually cancel the outdoor singing at Silver Dollar City that evening. We had received several calls of this nature due to Isaac (former tropical storm and hurricane) had made it's way over the area. I just told him that it will only be cancelled if the weather turns severe and then added as a suggestion to "bring a towel towel to wipe your seat"... 

A look of horror showed on my coworkers' faces, then laughter ensued. I then caught what had slipped my mouth! Woe, THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT! They both started stumbling into the hallway, laughing hard. I too then started... and couldn't compose myself over the phone. Fortunately, the caller was chuckling as well!


That wasn't the only time I had stumbled recently though. The radio station is part of Baptist Bible College, and we can take advantage of the school's cafeteria through-out the week for some lunch. Well, last week was "Spirit Week", and they had different things planned for each day. Well, Wednesday was "Nerd Day", in which the students were encouraged to dress nerdy or geeky. I didn't need to dress up... I just wore my normal attire. Anyway, I enjoyed my lunch at the cafeteria. And that's where I made my stumble. Seeing several dressed up, I asked one of the college girls if she had dressed up as well. She looked at me and said, "No......."


Perhaps its best if I keep my mouth shut. And to think... I have a air-shift each evening on the radio!

~ "May-day" Matt

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Week Rundown! (08/26/12 - 09/01/12)


Since this was our yearly, family get-a-way... we slept in! We then got up and packed everything away into the van. After checking out of the hotel room, we headed over to the Splash Country for several hours of swimming and fun on the water slides. We then left for home. The kids were so tired that they slept in the van.


After making it home from school and work, we got dinner ready. Titus and Jordin came over for a visit. It was good to catch up.

After they left, we got the kids ready for bed and I did a quick grocery trip.


Lydia had a meeting after classes, so I got the kids and came home. They helped me make supper. Macaroni & Cheese with tuna and diced tomatoes. It looked gross, but tasted great! WIth them helping me, the cross factor was cool to them. We ate, watched Sonic on Netflix, then got showers before Lydia got home.


Tonight was church. I was able to sing one of my favorite songs as a special, "Sin Will Take You Farther". We also had Master Clubs meeting in preparation for next Wednesday.


This evening was almost an exact repeat of Tuesday, except that Lydia stayed at college to get some homework done. I re-heated the leftovers of the mac & cheese...

Once Lydia got home, we put the kids to bed and packed our stuff for our trip this weekend.


We woke up and quickly tried to get things ready before heading out. Mysia didn't have school but went to the club. Lydia and I both got off work by noon, packed up the van, grabbed the kids, and headed to Junction City, Kansas. It was a long drive, over five hours, and Isaac (former tropical storm and hurricane) followed us most of the way. I had to keep from using the cruise control, but still found the van hydroplaning a few times. It caused traffic to slow down and we seen about 5-6 accidents on the way there. After several pit stops and potty breaks we finally made it.

We spent the evening visiting with Silas & Kristi and our new nephew Gideon!


We were able to sleep in a bit, but the kids made sure that it wasn't too long. We got up, got ready for the day, and ate a great breakfast. We then headed over to Silas and Kristi's church. They were doing a flyer blitz, and we got to help out. The ladies went to one neighborhood, and we went to another neighborhood. We were able to hand out quite a few flyers before lunch.

Back at their home, the kids and I took naps... or tried to. When one would fall asleep the other would wake the other up! Ugh!

We visited and played Wii games. After the kids got their showers, we put them to bed and played Apples to Apples as we visited some more. Then it was bed!
