Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I Stumble...

Yes, as the title of this post proclaims, I stumble. Not in walking, but in talking. Sometimes I get carried away in my talk, and I stumble over what I'm saying.

I try my best to be clear, but I often will say something backwards or completely wrong. It just happens. Of course, all I can do is laugh. There's no sense in kicking myself for it. Most of the time, it's just too late. One thing guaranteed... it's always humorous.

Let me take what happened last week as an example....

I'm sitting in my office, two of my co-workers standing there. The phone rings. I answer. The man on the line asks if the rainy weather will eventually cancel the outdoor singing at Silver Dollar City that evening. We had received several calls of this nature due to Isaac (former tropical storm and hurricane) had made it's way over the area. I just told him that it will only be cancelled if the weather turns severe and then added as a suggestion to "bring a towel towel to wipe your seat"... 

A look of horror showed on my coworkers' faces, then laughter ensued. I then caught what had slipped my mouth! Woe, THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT! They both started stumbling into the hallway, laughing hard. I too then started... and couldn't compose myself over the phone. Fortunately, the caller was chuckling as well!


That wasn't the only time I had stumbled recently though. The radio station is part of Baptist Bible College, and we can take advantage of the school's cafeteria through-out the week for some lunch. Well, last week was "Spirit Week", and they had different things planned for each day. Well, Wednesday was "Nerd Day", in which the students were encouraged to dress nerdy or geeky. I didn't need to dress up... I just wore my normal attire. Anyway, I enjoyed my lunch at the cafeteria. And that's where I made my stumble. Seeing several dressed up, I asked one of the college girls if she had dressed up as well. She looked at me and said, "No......."


Perhaps its best if I keep my mouth shut. And to think... I have a air-shift each evening on the radio!

~ "May-day" Matt

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