Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Week Rundown! (09/2/12 - 09/08/12)


We were still in Kansas visiting Silas & Kristi... and our 9 year wedding anniversary! Wow!!!

We woke up and got ready for church services. Before heading to church, I packed most of our belongings into the van.

Mysia and Malachi attended the Sunday school with the other kids, and then sat with us during the morning services. Afterwards we grabbed a quick lunch and visited before hitting the road home. We made several pit -stops, but made it home in about five hours. We were tired, but happy to have made a safe journey. We unpacked and made it to our beds!


We slept in! After the trip yesterday, we were happy to have a day with some rest.We got things accomplished around the house, watched some movies, and took naps!

After supper, We had some Andy's ice cream with Granny, Grandad, Sam, and Abigail.


Lydia stayed at school for the first part of the evening to work on homework. I picked up the kids, ate a quick supper at home, and then watched tv together until Lydia arrived home. The kids took showers and then went to bed.


Tonight was "Fun night" for Master Clubs at church. We had a great lesson, games, and even a snack. There were a lot of kids, and boy... the evening was hectic! ;)


After work, I met Lydia at home we all rushed over to the other side of town. The Pregnancy Care Center to view the dedication of their new mobile unit. It's exciting to see what's been going on there.

We came home, ate, and then let the kids play before they went to bed. Lydia then turned to her homework while I did some computer projects.


We were able to meet at home a little early... and the storms rolled in! It was amazing to watch the clouds above. We spent the evening watching some old tv shows and getting things done around the house.


We slept in for a bit, ate a quick breakfast, and then headed over to my parent's house. Malachi and Mysia got to spend several hours playing with their cousins Elijah and Jonathan. We got home in the afternoon and the kids got to play with five friends for three hours!

For supper, we met up with my family at Chick-Fil-A. We visited for a while before Benjamin and his family had to hit the road home. Back at home, we had showers and got to bed!


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