Monday, September 10, 2012

At The Playground

Yes, I'm sitting here at the playground at Mysia's school typing this quick post with my nook color.

The kids are playing, hopefully getting rid of all that energy that's obviously been bottled up. I've actually been looking over all the blog ideas I've jotted down, but never completed. So, before I get to them, I figured I'd write another one... yet this one I'll actually complete and post asap.

Right now the weather is nice, with a cool breeze. The sun is getting ready to set, and it feels good to have the the warmth on my skin. Malachi is climbing all over the playground equipment, trying to reach the highest of all places at record speed. Mysia has already described many of the games she has learned from her school friends. Lydia is inside taking care of the PTA table.

I realize that this post isn't much of anything specific, but it might give a glimpse of the somewhat normal life we live. I think.... :)

Now to wait until I get  home and onto wifi so can actually post it!

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