Monday, December 3, 2012

Week Rundown! (11/25/12 - 12/01/12)

Sunday afternoon was pretty relaxing, the kids napped and then played with crafts before evening services. Afterwards, we went to my parents' house to celebrate Granddad's birthday!

On Monday, I had a day to myself to get projects and things done at home. The evening went pretty well, we watched a movie before bed.

Lydia woke up on Tuesday morning with her heart racing and eminence chest pains. Sure enough, she was having a tachycardia attack. She tried calming down and resting, hoping that it her heart beat would slow down. She even took a warm shower to see if it would calm her down. It didn't work. The kids and I rushed to get ready and I had Abigail pick up Mysia to drop her off at school at the right time. Lydia and I dropped off Malachi on our way to the ER. But as we neared the hospital, the pain stopped and her heart rate finally dropped. Come to find out, it seems that hitting the cold air as she left the house shocked her body back to normal... (according to the doctor). We're sure the prayers from others helped as well! Lydia bought a heart monitor before going into work, and kept a watch throughout the rest of the day.

Wednesday was pretty normal with the schedule.... Children services were back in swing! On Thursday, Lydia made homemade tortillas, with help from the kids. After supper, the kids took their showers before watching "Frosty" and going to bed.

Lydia did shopping while I picked up the kids after work on Friday. The kids watched a couple of Christmas movies.

On Saturday, we worked on things around the house. The kids worked hard on cleaning their rooms. Mysia got the chance to attend a birthday party for one of her friends from school, she also got to spend the night as a "Slumber party'. She had a fun time! However, once she figured out she could call us from their land-line, our cell phones were called multiple times.

I went to work for several hours to run the board in the early evening, then joined Lydia and Malachi at our Sunday School Class' Christmas party. We ate and visited. Malachi was a bit clingy later on in the evening, and when we got home, he admitted that he missed Mysia. Yes, I have silly kids!


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