Thursday, April 3, 2014

Week Rundown! (03/23/14 - 03/29/14)

We got up early on Sunday and ate breakfast at church before running the van route for morning services. Lunch was good, and we rested during the afternoon. After evening services, we came home and got ready for bed. We watched some tv.

After work, and picking op the kids on Monday, we headed out to a dealership on the other side of town. There was a vehicle for sale that had perked our interest. After test driving and going over paperwork, we came home with a black, 2009 VW Bug.... what Lydia is calling my early birthday present. Once home, we worked on home homework with the kids.

On Tuesday morning, Lydia had an appointment with the doctor about her heart. Things are going good. After work, we attended Mysia's performance at school for the year. She did a great job.

I took my new Bug back to the dealership on Wednesday morning so that they could look at an oil leak. They gave me a temporary replacement vehicle, a 2011 VW Jetta, to drive around. It was nice, but not as comfortable as the bug. The kids and I attended evening services at church while Lydia was in her class. We met back at home, ate some snacks, and then went to bed!

After work on Thursday, I picked up Malachi and we came home to make dinner. He actually spent his time playing Legos. Lydia picked up Mysia after her class. We ate supper while watching some TV episodes. Mysia was writing letters for most of the evening.

On Friday, I had a lunch date with Lydia at HuHot and then we picked up my Bug before returning back to work. That evening, we got some things done around the house and watched Turbo.

Saturday was busy! Lydia went into work to catch up with things since it's tax season. The kids and I letft to get the church van and attend our church's skating party. We had a blast, and both kids did well skating. Malachi would count every time he fell down.... he was keeping score. Mysia got several bruises, and her hands were sore from falling on them. Back at home, we ate a late lunch and they took naps while I tried to catch up on some things around the house. Lydia attended Madisen's (soon-to-be-sis-in-law) personal shower in anticipation for the upcoming wedding. When Lydia arrived back home, we packed into the car and spent the evening visiting our friends, Noah and Courtney. We were having so much fun, we didn't arrive home until after 11pm!


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