Friday, August 6, 2010

Those iPhone Photos...

I like taking pictures. It's nice to be able to chronicle all that goes on in our lives with a camera. And digital cameras make it all the better. I can take as many as I want, dlelete the ones I don't like, and save them to disk. I don't have to worry about film, and paying to have all my pictures developed.

When we bought our iPhones back in February, I was pleased to find a decent camera as part of the product. Not only that, but the fact that it was easy to use, and could take multiple shots in a rapid succession!

Well, we bought the phones 6 months ago, and tonight, I'm doing my weekly backup of my iPhone to my laptop. I don't want to loose files, and I just noticed that my picture folder on my iPhone has a ton of photos... and I'm not joking!

So far, I've taken 1,719 photos!!!!

That's around 280 photos a month! Around 63 photos a week. Or, 9 photos a day!


I guess I'm photo happy!


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