Thursday, April 14, 2011

Week Rundown! (4/3/11 - 4/9/11)

I'm sorry this post was late! So much going on!!!!! (most of it was typed on my iPhone)



  I got up, got ready, and headed into church for van route. It was such a nice day, but a bit windy. Morning services were good and even though I was tired, I made it through without nodding off! lol!
  Mysia spent the afternoon with her friend Elizabeth and had had a great time. Malachi was with us, and 'helped' as we finished creating our desserts. He and I had fun with the icing for the two cookies I made.
  After evening services, our church held it's annual Youth Dessert Auction to send our kids to youth camp. Like every year, we were struck by awe in how much these desserts went for! Lydia's creations reached over $180 total! It was an awesome night!


  Last night wore us out, so it was a bit of slow going for us all. It was a busy day for me at work, and promised to be that way for the rest of the week. Lydia had a bake sale at college that went well.
  Lately, we noticed that the kids were starting to be picky with their food. So as way to make them eat, we had a "salad party". Basically, we let them put together their own salad. Sure enough, they ended up making creations that we would have, but since they did it, they ate it! It worked!
  After supper, Paulette and Moses came by and spent several hours visiting with us.


  Again, we woke up later than what we'd like. But we all made it to our destinations... daycare, school, college, and work. Lydia finished her required volunteering for the downtown kitchen today. It had been an interesting experience. After picking Mysia up from school, she headed to the polls to cast her vote, then picked up Malachi and headed home. She let the kids play outside, hoping to wear them out... it didn't work!
  Today was a bit stressful for me at work, so much to get done and finished. I went to vote before going home. Both kids were hyper as I walked in the door, and they didn't settle down much the entire evening! We did supper, homework, and showers. Lydia and I both worked on projects we had to accomplish, and got to bed before midnight!  


   Tonight was fun night for the children's services at church. We started with a lesson, then games, and then snacks! It was busy, nut fun.
After services, we headed to Grandma Taylor's house to visit her and Dallas. We talked, let the kids play, and visited until 10pm! The kids were falling asleep on the way home


   Today was pretty typical. The evening was spent at home. We watched tv, did homework, and went to bed. I need more days like this!


   Today was my last day at Bass Pro. I had found another job that is a dream job for me, it is tailored around my talents and passion, so I couldn't pass it up. It was hard leaving a company I had worked 10 years for, but it was time. Several of my coworkers gave me gifts, wished me the best, and even put together a nice lunch for me.
Abigail picked up Mysia from school and met Lydia at the house when she got done with college. Abigail then took the kids hone with her for the night. I packed my belongings, clocked out, and said my fair-wells. When I arrived at home, Lydia had the van packed up and ready to go. I grabbed my stuff, and we headed out to MSU's football field for the Relay For Life event.
   The rest of the night was interesting! We helped set up the tent/booth for Lydia's honor society, and hung out there for the night. There was live music, games, contests... And even some free pizza!
   After midnight, I got tired! It had been a long work-week, and busy day. So I took a nap on the AstroTurf! It wasn't too bad. About 3ish, the wind picked up and almost toppled our tent. It did, however, turn over the tables! Then there was lightning, which is not good to be around on an open football field. So we quickly packed up everything during a sudden downpour, and headed home to bed!


   Today is my birthday, and boy... It was a busy one! Lydia and I got to sleep in since the kids were away. Once we got up, she left for her appointment at BioLife. My parents groped off the kids before noon. I was going to put them down for naps since they got to bed super late, but let them watch cartoon videos instead. (I'm an awesome daddy!)
when Lydia arrived, we packed up the kids and headed to Walmart to grab some things. Then it was off to Ozark Mountain Gymnastics for a birthday party for one of the boys at our church. What a place! The kids had a blast. Of course, us parents did as well... the guy and I bounced around a bit on the floors. Trying to say out of trouble, we did pretty good.
   Once we arrived back at home, the kids and Lydia took a nap. They were wore out. I spent the time getting files put together and gearing up for Monday. The rest of the evening was restfull. We watched "Tangled" and got ready for bed.


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