Friday, August 26, 2011

Texting/Chatting, Oh the FUN!

Thanks to my iPhone, I’m always ‘online’. That means if you’re either my facebook friend, on yahoo messenger, on skype, or know my texting number (we don’t have texting through our cell numbers)... I’m available for chat!

It’s awesome. I like to text and chat. I don’t call friends much, and it’s a lot easier to text a conversation when you have two kids wrestling with your attention! On those few times I do use my iPhone as a phone, my kids seem to get louder and interrupt. Go figure.

It’s nice to be able to continue a conversation through-out the day. It’s become a fantastic way to chat with my parents, siblings, relatives, friends, and most of all... my wife! Things like ‘going to lunch’ and ‘on my way home’ are nice! Plus, it’s a great way to keep up with people without calling and leaving a message.

However, there are a few times that I will ignore chats. I’m not trying to be rude, but there are times when my attention needs to be with my family. I rarely respond to chats that are sent to me after mid-night! I’m usually asleep. There is no way you want me to respond if you’ve woke me from a decent slumber... I may not be so courteous in my response!
For those friends and relatives that have my cell number and have tried to text but haven’t gotten a reply, I’m sorry. We don’t have texting on or cell numbers, so if you send one to me, I won’t get it! We had texting removed to help with the cost of the data plans on our iPhones. We ended up downloading a free app that gives us a free number for texting. So if you want to text, email me and I’ll send you that number!!!

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