Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Forgetting Thanksgiving…?

Okay, it's now time for a rant. I've been working on this idea for the past month (or year?). A note of caution, this post is purely my personal opinion. If you don't agree, that's fine. If you do, thanks!

Always, at this time of year, we hear of people complaining about how Thanksgiving is being looked over. There are countless emails and status posts about "Christmas" starting too early, and how it gets earlier every year. Sure enough, stores bring out the decorations before October 31! In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they start shelving them right after the 4th of July.

The sad part is that we as costumers like or not, help with this push. We want to get a head start on things so that we aren't running around like idiots the closer Christmas day gets, but yet we always do. It's not always that we're forgetting Thanksgiving, but that we're trying to get a head on the planning. But is it worth it?

Thanksgiving gets pushed back in peoples mind. It's more of a milestone on the calendar that shows us the start of the Christmas hype, than a day of true thankfulness. There is one thing good though, it's one holiday that hasn't been totally commercialized. However, it's just not celebrated properly anymore.

This year, something has taken place that makes me upset... Black Friday has been pushed up to Thanksgiving Day!  I think it's a shame for people to have to work on Thursday, and I feel sorry for them. I'm not shaming the employees, but the companies themselves. The almighty dollar, or the 'love' of it. Many people agree that no one should work on Thursday, and that those working should be home with family. However, I'm guessing many will partake in the early 'Black Friday' sales that evening. If we really believe workers should be home with their families, how about the customers stay home too? I'd like to make a push for all who hold dear to the true meaning of Thanksgiving to boycott the 'Black Friday' sales starting on that day!

There are so many thoughts on keeping this day a true day of Thankfulness. What will be your part?


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