Monday, November 28, 2011

Week Rundown (11/20/2011-11/26/2011)


After church services and vans, we had a nice afternoon at home.. Abigail joined us, and we ate lunch, watched some tv, and visited. The kids took some good naps, and fought over Abigail's attention before we headed back to church this evening.


Tonight was a restful one. We had a good supper, and watched tv. We also got some things done around the house..


Since the many are gearing up for Thanksgiving, and will be traveling tomorrow, our church moved Wednesday evening services to tonight. So when we all got home, we ate quick supper and headed to church. The services were simple, and the kids sat with us. It was nice to sit in the main auditorium and hear pastor preach for mid-week services.


Since I had the day off of work and Mysia didn't have school, Malachi stayed home from daycare as well. It was a sort of "daddy and kid day". Lydia got up early and went to work since she didn't have college classes due to the holiday weekend. The kids and I ate breakfast, cleaned rooms, and got played a bit. I let them watch some tv while I made a quick lunch. Lydia came home, ate, and then we all headed to a funeral.

A dear friend of the family had passed away on Saturday, Jack Paris. He was my Sunday School teacher when I was in 6th grade, and was the director of the juniors class as well. He and his wife, Betty, were dear to our hearts as we were kids. He had several battles due to his health, and I'm happy to know he is pain free right now! The funeral was good, and our kids behaved very well.

On the way home we picked up some ice cream cones for the kids. They both took naps (me too) while Lydia went back to work. After naps, we played with play-dough. Lydia brought home pizza, and Aunt Adria joined us later that evening. Lydia made two apple pies in preparation for tomorrow.


Thanksgiving Day! The kid didn't sleep in, and neither did we! We got up and watched the parade, and got ready. Adria had spent the night, so she got to partake in our getting ready for thanksgiving.

We made it to Lydia's Aunt and Uncle's house by noon for the feast. Oh... it was delicious! We had turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, cheese ball, pies, cheese, crackers... and oh, so much more! We talked, visited, watched tv, and even enjoyed the outdoors! The kids got to play outside since the weather decided to cooperate and give us some warm temps!

We stayed until 6ish, and then headed home. We then decided to turn on some Christmas music and set up the tree. Even though we have an artificial one, it's not the easiest thing to set up and decorate. However, we did it. The kids did an awesome job hanging up the ornaments and getting all decked out. We then watched some tv specials before going to bed.


I had planned on 'starting the day' with hitting some 'black Friday' sales at midnight this morning, but gave it all up by falling asleep. Oh well! We spent the morning doing different things. The kids played, I got some projects done on the computer, and Lydia focused on some homework. I did the grocery shopping while the kids napped, and then we ate a late lunch. I was planning on taking them to Silver Dollar City to meet up with my folks and brother's family. But they were tired and getting ready to leave by the time we were getting ready to head on down there.

The kids and I ended up putting up the Nativity and Christmas village while watching some Christmas movie classics. After leaving Silver Dollar City, they all stopped by our house and visited for a bit. The cousins played nicely.


We got up, got dressed, ate breakfast, and then went over to my parents' house. Today was my dad's birthday, so us guys went shooting. Unfortunately, it was raining, so we only got to shoot for about an hour before we gave up and headed back.

We then ate Cashew Chicken for lunch and visited. Us guys went to the mall so my dad could pick up a shirt and tie while the ladies went to the thrift store to do some shopping. Malachi was a very energetic, but well-behaved for me. Mysia did well for Lydia.

Back at my folk's, we ate cake and visited some more before saying our good-byes. We then did some shopping before heading home and going to bed.


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