Sunday, May 23, 2010


Well, we have special news!

After church services, we headed over to the old auditorium to pray for the upcoming Vacation Bible School in July. They've asked several to do this as the date approaches.

Everyone breaks off into small groups. Malachi and I prayed together while Lydia, Mysia and Abigail prayed. Mysia was last to pray, and before she did, she asked Lydia how to ask Jesus into her heart. Lydia explained to her that it's just like when praying normally, but to just go ahead and ask Him. Well, Mysia started praying just like regular, thanking God for the day, and praying for family. At the end, she asked Jesus into her heart and to forgive her from her sins.

Talk about exciting. We then went and talked to her Sunday School Teacher, Miss Debbie (who is also our associate pastor's wife), and come to find out, they had talked Salvation in Sunday School this morning.

Lydia and I had already been talking to Mysia earlier as well. She has been inquisitive, and we've answered everything that she's asked, but we weren't going to push her. Since she's five, we wanted to be sure she understood and came to the recognition on her own!

Ain't this great news....?!?!?! :P :P :P



JD_2020 Sucks big Dick said...

The best news I have heard this day.

Daniel Mount said...

Hallelujah! Praise God!

Pleasant and Sons said...

that's great! I told Titus and he said Praise the Lord!!! I'm so happy for you all. ~ Jordin