Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Week Rundown! (05/09/10 - 05/15/10)


Mother's Day! 

As I left and did the church vans, the kids slept... So Lydia opened her cards when they woke up. After services, we went to Paulette's. We watched movies and ate homemade sweet and sour chicken with rice! Yum!

The kids took naps, and poor Malachi had a fever. He was hot! Since I had the van, I dropped Lydia and Malachi off at home. What A horrible way for Lydia to spend the last part of Mother's day... with a sick kid!

During the evening service at church, I got the opportunity to lead the singing! It was neat! It was the first time for me to do so in the new auditorium!


I stayed home sick, with a sick boy too! Lydia still wasn't feeling too good either, but she had finals to take. Mysia went to daycare, and Lydia headed to college. That left Malachi and I home to rest. The poor guy didn't feel too good, so we found a good spot on the couch and watched cartoons for most of the morning. We had toast & eggs for a late breakfast, and he ate pretty good. After naps, which I took a little bit of one too, we had popsicles and watched a movie. I got some cleanup done in the kitchen that I had abandoned over the weekend.

Malachi seemed to be doing better by the evening. I felt well rested too. Although, he did have a fever when the girls came back home. Supper was good. Lydia headed back to college to take anther final, and I took care of both kids.


It was back to work for me. Poor Malachi had to stay home with Lydia though. Since he was sick on Monday, he had to be 24 hours without fever before he could go back to daycare. Lydia stayed home with him, and I dropped Mysia off at daycare.

Malachi was definitely doing better... Lydia reported that he was everywhere and into everything. A sure sign that he was over his sickness!

When I got off work, I picked up Mysia, dropped her off at home, and headed off to Sam's Club. Our car had been wobbling pretty badly while driving, and we were told that the tire was going bad. I ended up waiting almost two hours for them to look at it and get it fixed. I was relieved that they did it for free, since I had warranty on the tires. However, as I left and got on the highway to head toward quartet practice, the wobbling was worse! It was too late to go back as well, because they closed as I left!

I headed over to my parents' house for quartet practice. We ran over new arrangements and talked about upcoming singing event in mid-June.


We got up early and  dropped the kids off at daycare, then it was off to Sam's Club before work. That tire needed fixed! Well, come to find out, it was bad and needed replaced! So they prorated it, and we spent over $60 for a new one. Yuck..! However, I am happy to report that our car runs smoothly!

Lydia dropped me off at work and she headed to OTC.

Tonight was the last night of Master Clubs at church until we start again next fall. It was also awards night. So we presented the kids with their achievements in front of the congregation. Afterwards, we headed outside for game-time before getting snacks!


We woke up to thunder and lightning. We even lost power for a few minutes. Right before we headed out the door, tornado sirens started blaring. Figuring daycare wouldn't want us dropping the kids off during a tornado warning, and the fact that driving in one ain't the smartest idea here in the Ozarks.... we waited it out. Nothing happened in our part of town, so after the warning had expired, we headed out.

Once we got home for the evening, Lydia left for OTC's graduation event. Several of her classmates where graduating, ad she wanted to go. I stayed home with the kids. I thought I'd play it smart.. I made supper and set them down with their food in front of the tv! We where watching "over The Hedge". when my parents stopped by for a visit.

They were wired (my kids.. not my parents), and were all over the pace. Boy was I ready for them to go to sleep.


It rained! ...Again... Boy, when it ends, it's gonna take me days to mow my lawn!

The day went by pretty smoothly. Lydia worked at OTC now that her finals are finally final.... er... over with!

After work, we headed over to my parents' house. We ate supper, had ice cream, and visited for quite a while. The kids were actually ready to leave before us!

When we got home, we crashed.


We had the day all planned out! But.. we failed. It all started by us getting up later than planned.

We had planned to go to Silver Dollar City. But things got behind and well, didn't work out. Anyway, here's what happened....

When we finally got out the door, it was after 10am. We stopped by Walmart to get lunch fixings and batteries, then we stopped by the bank. That made us even later. As we finally got on the highway, heading to Branson, we got hit with major rain! It was coming down hard, almost couldn't see to drive! So we decided to give it up and turned around. We went to the mall instead!

I know that may not sound like much fun, but we found some clothes for Mysia and let the kids play at the play-place for several hours! They enjoyed it. Lydia just sat back and relaxed while they wore themselves out.

At 2:30, we went to a birthday party! The kids played more while we ate pizza and visited. Afterwards, we picked up the van and went to my folks' house once again to pick up some things they had gotten the kids. We ended up staying there for a few hours before heading home. Mysia complained of a sore throat, and had a fever! Oh no!

It was a long day, and we all got to bed before 10!!!


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