Monday, December 20, 2010

Week Rundown! (12/12/10 - 12/18/10)


It snowed! A dry snow, meaning that it didn't stick, but blew around! It did make for slippery roads though. It was also very windy. With those things combined, it made for an interesting bus route before church! For example, I had stopped and the wind pushed the church van sideways to the curb! Wow!

The weather was so bad, that the night before, I had gotten a call from our Sunday school teacher. They were stranded on the Branson Belle. The wind wouldn't let the boat dock, so they were still on the boat when we had services this morning! They were 'rescued' after about 17 hours on the showboat!

During the evening services, our choir performed the Christmas Cantata. It went very well! After my van route this afternoon, I returned home to find Lydia and the kids napping. I ate some lunch and prepared the dish for the supper planned after the evening services. That evening at church, it was our turn to watch the toddlers class. They also had practice for their skit/musical planned for next Sunday.

We then stayed for the monthly Birthday and Anniversary dinner, before heading home and going to bed.


This week is finals for Lydia! Hooray! The semester is almost over!

She had a final around 9, so I went to work and she dropped off the kids before heading to college. She was happy with how the final went and headed off to work afterwards. About 2pm, she got a call from the school nurse... Mysia was running a high temperature. So Lydia took off work and brought her home. Lydia then took Mysia's temperature, and found her to be normal.

Mysia rested, and Abigail watched Mysia while Lydia went back to work until 5. I came home after work and started supper. Abigail and I ate as we waited for Lydia and Malachi to show up. Once they did, Abigail and I headed out to one of the nursing homes on the other side of town to meet up with Greg and Sam. Sam was able to get us in to sing for the folks there. Our quartet entertained them with Christmas songs we had been practicing for the past few months.

Back at home, I helped get the kids in bed. Lydia studied for her next final, and I worked on a project before heading for bed.


This morning, Lydia again dropped of the kids and then headed into work. I headed straight to work. Lydia had a final at 11, and right at the end of it, the school nurse called once again. Mysia was running a low grade fever once again. By the time Lydia got there to pick her up, she was feeling well. Lydia went ahead and brought her home and made her rest while she studied for tomorrows final.

I picked up Malachi on my way home from work. When we arrived at home, Lydia already had supper almost completed. The kids played while we got the table set, etc. We ate and then Lydia headed out for BioLife. I gave Malachi a shower and helped Mysia finish her homework before giving her a shower. They played for a while before I put them to bed, and it wasn't to long afterwards that Lydia came home. We were both exhausted, so we went to bed by 10:30! Wow!


Lydia woke up early and was out the door. She had a final at 7am!!! The kids and I left and dropped them off to school and daycare before I headed into work.

Abigail picked up Mysia from school and took her home. Lydia got off work early and planned to study for tomorrow's final. She was able to sell on e of her books back for a pretty good price, especially seeing how much they cost! She also Picked up Malachi around 4 and came home.

At church, it was awards night for our young children, youth, and teen classes. I got to announce the awards for the 1-3 grade kids, they have been doing well!


Mysia went to school, Malachi went to Granny's house for the day. My mom wanted him to be able to have a day with her, and I believe he had a great time!

After dropping them off, Lydia went to school to study before taking her last final! She was so relieved to get this semester behind her!

After work, I met Lydia and Mysia at home. She had brought home a gingerbread house she had made at school, and was very proud of it! We ate supper and then Lydia went to BioLife. I helped Mysia with her homework.

Malachi went caroling at a nursing home with my folks before coming home.. He was still energetic! My parents didn't wear him out!


I went to work, and Lydia dropped off the kids before heading into work herself. Lydia got to come up and have lunch with me, which was nice. We hadn't had the chance to do that for some time now.

After work, I picked up Malachi and met Lydia at home. We then rushed off to pick Mysia up from my parent's house (she had gone there after school), and then headed off to Kristi and Lycia's apartment. They had agreed to watch them overnight, giving Lydia and I a date night!

Lydia and I went to my work's party at the downtown skating rink. We ate, got some prizes, and visited. We also skated for a bit, but not too long. The Jordan Valley Park, next to the rink, had lights set up throughout... so we took a walk in the park in the freezing cold. I was my attempt to be romantic.

We were going just head home afterwards, but then realized that Lydia had a free ticket to one of the movie theaters. So we used it and her student discount and got in to see "The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader". I was very skeptical of the movie, since it is my favorite book out of all the Narnia series by CS Lewis. And although they did change a few things, I found it to be done really well, especially since the book has soooo much in it. I was also pleased that they didn't cut out the important ending where CS Lewis made the allegory of Aslan to Christ very apparent! Hooray!

Note: If you want to support good movies, so that they make more.. this is one of the movies!


I got up early and got ready. I met Sam at the church and we did the vans for our church's children's Christmas party! Lydia picked up the kids and got there on time. The kids played games, practiced for their Christmas program to be held during services tomorrow, ate pizza, and received gifts! The whole lasted a little more than three hours, and we kept busy! But it turned out very well, and all the kids seemed to enjoy it. My mom was my van helper as I dropped the kids off afterwards. That was neat!

The rest of the day was spent pretty lazily. I worked on some design projects, Lydia and the kids took naps, and we watched tv. Actually, we watched "Home Alone", and I had an enjoyable time watching the kids' expressions!  The "attempted ransacking of the house" scene was funny. Mysia enjoyed the pranks, but when the bad guys caught Kevin... their eyes were wide!

PBS had the "Nutcracker" on, so we watched that as well. Mysia and Lydia enjoyed that one.

We spent the evening wrapping gifts, and I think we're almost done! I can't believe Christmas is a week away! Wow!


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