Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mysia: An Update (Thursday, 12/02/10)

Well, it's a time to do a quick update on Mysia.

She's growing up so fast... In fact, it's hard to believe that she'll be 6 next month! Yikes! I actually gave Lydia a shock the other day when I told her of a thought that struck my mind. In ten years, Mysia will be old enough to get her drivers permit!!!! Lydia didn't care for that idea at all.... ;)

Mysia has been doing good in school. She likes it a lot, and always has something to share in the evening about what happened during the day. They keep her active, and she misses taking that 'afternoon nap'. She will often nap when arriving home after school.

She has new friends at school as well. There is one she keeps talking about, that is her dearest friend. She says that they do things together and like the same stuff. When Mysia would describe her, it was like she was describing herself. Well, one morning when I was dropping Mysia off, she got out and squealed her friend's name. There was this other little girl who was getting out of the vehicle in front of us, almost another Mysia! If Mysia had a sister, this girl would be her! Same hair style and color, same height... It was weird!

Mysia's homework has been interesting. She's learning how to read, and recognize words. She can count to a hundred and write down the numbers. She's very good at it for a kindergartner, but sometimes gets frustrated if she doesn't get it right. She's a funny little girl at times though... she is very creative when it comes to the drawing and coloring. She even likes dotting her 'i' with a heart when writing her name.

On Mondays, she gets to bring something into school for "Show & Tell". It's always interesting to see what she thinks about to bring, and she's not too happy when we forget to remind her. When that happens, she'll tell us that evening in a serious voice that she was 'supposed' to bring something, and we forgot to remind her.


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