Friday, November 16, 2012

7 Days of Thankfulness: DAY 2 - "My Work"

This is a continuation of my 7 Days of Thankfulness!


DAY 2 - "My Work"

Today, my thankfulness post is about my place of employment, KWFC Radio. First of, yes... I'm thankful for a job. That part is a given, especially in today's economy. No matter the situation, I'm grateful for wherever God has placed me in the workplace. Sure, there have been times in my when I wasn't the happiest with my place of employment, but that's what God had provided.

Not only is it good to have a job, but awesome when you enjoy working there. That's where I'm at. I absolutely like my job! Wait.... I have to say it... I LOVE my job!

I'll admit that it's not the easiest, and I can't say it doesn't get stressful. But overall, it's worth it. There are many things I do, I can't think that it's in vain. Not only do I get to work around Southern Gospel Music and great Christian programing, I get to promote it as well! 

I'm constantly striving to get us noticed and out there. I get to communicate with our faithful listeners daily, even on weekends! These people share the same love in music and love for God! There is a common bond that I have with those who call or write.

If wondering what I do, well... there is a list. I'll try to simply it. My official title is "Publicity Director". That means I deal with the public in doing the printed ads and promotional material for KWFC. But that's not all. Besides all the printed graphics, I work on the graphics for the web and everything else! Then, I'm also behind the weekly email blast.

I'm also in 'sales'. That means I have accounts of businesses that support our station, and I get a commission. Part of my job is to find more support for our station, without it, we wouldn't survive. (so if you're part of a business that would like to underwrite Christian radio, let me know)

One of the neatest things about my job, is the ability to be on the air. Yup, I started filling in from time to time, and now I have a few programs that I host. You'll hear me every weekday evening from 7pm-9pm, and then Sunday afternoons from noon-4pm. I enjoy being able to share my love of Southern Gospel with our listeners. However, I've earned the nickname "Mayday Matt", thanks to my stumbling from time to time. Just listen in, and you might catch me!

Of course, I'm also thankful for the awesome work environment, and am so happy that they have have a sense of humor... the perfect place for me! Not only that, it's great to be able to work with fellow Christians. Every morning we have pray at 9, and of course, we try and solve the worlds problems at that time. Ha!

Yes, I'm thankful for my work!


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