Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Archie Andrews to marry Veronica!?!?

Okay, you can call me a nut, but ever since I could read, I've enjoyed Archie Comics!

My grandparents (Paasch) would have stacks of them in their home, and everytime we'd visit, we'd stay up late reading them! My grandma would send them home as well, and still brings us some when they come through!

Anyway, as mentioned in the news today, Archie is proposing to Veronica, and in the next issue they may have twins! Now this drives me crazy! I'm sure the comic writers are doing this to generate money and attention, because most everyone who enjoys the comic prefer Betty over Veronica!!!

In related news: there is one guy so mad about the new story arch, he's selling his copy of the series' rare first issue! Go figure!


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