Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Politics…. Ugh!

With much media attention lately, who could have not heard about the 'Beer Summit" that took place with the President? It's nuts and plain crazy. Once again, the president has brought race back into the arena of his 'popularity' with the media.

I'm getting sick of politics, but I have to pay attention since it all affects my life. Ignoring it, or brushing it aside is not going to make it go away. And since it's on my mind, I'm going to blog about it!!!


Notice how the President can reach out and try to calm something that is not part of his 'job', and not really pay attention to the several crises at hand! How about a 'summit' to find out what the real people think about his "ObamaCare"? What about his ideas for getting our country out of debt, our economic decline, and our national security! He should ignore the other politicians and grab people that represent the majority (yes, I said MAJORITY). But then again, in this politically correct nation of ours, I know that won't ever happen.

It's sad when even though the majority of the people (you know, 'we the people..') want something and it's considered politically IN-correct, we're the ones that have it wrong! Arg!

To Washington, and most of the media, we're not intelligent. We don't know what we want. They have the knowledge, and they should decide for us, when actually, they do whatever they can to for their gain. The lobbyists give them benefits and money to push for certain agendas, and the lawmakers make the laws that don't affect themselves.

I could go on, and on, and on, and on….. but I think I've rambled enough for one post! I guess you can consider this post an off-topic rant! Lol!

Oh, before I end this post, I put in this note… I'm not a Republican nor a Democrat. Simply put, I'm a God-fearing believer. I believe that what the Bible says is right, is right.. and what the Bible says is wrong, is wrong. My votes go for the people whose standards and priorities are closer to that of the Bible. If you have any questions, feel free to email me!


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