Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday Thoughts: John Three Sixteen

It's been a busy week so far, and I'm sure today will not be any different. As I write this, I don't know what today will hold. But one thing is for sure... it won't be boring. 

Last night we had our children's services. I teach the lesson for the primary class (1st-3rd grade). Each week I bring a 'friend', a ventriloquist figure. Well, I brought Hannah for the lesson, and she helped me teach on John 3:16. A simple but profound conversation. 

I encourage you to go through each section of that verse. It's powerful, awesome, and life changing. As a Christian, my life depends on it. I can't make it on my own. It was because of the gift of the ultimate sacrifice. There's only one thing I had to do... humble myself, repent of my sins, and accept the offer! 

It's amazing that something so easy is hard for people to do. It's not something for us to earn. There's no way that we could ever live a perfect life.

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