Monday, October 31, 2011

Week Rundown (10/23/2011-10/29/2011)


I had ran the van for church this morning, and services were great. The afternoon was pretty rest-full, which was nice. After the evening services, we enjoyed some baseball on tv!


It was back to the schedule... daycare, school, college, and work!

After work, Lydia went to an exercise class with some of the ladies at church. She took the kids with her. I went to the college to volunteer my voice for a choir directing class. John, our church's song director, is taking the class, and had asked me to come along if I ever got the chance. It was a very neat experience.

We watched the World Series Game when we got home!


After work, we were treated to a dinner at Rib Crib. Yum!

Malachi had gotten a huge splinter at daycare, so when got home, we played 'doctor' to get it out! It was below the thumb joint and his hand had swollen. He cried, but we were able to remove it.

I left Lydia with the kids to attend quartet practice. Christmas songs were what we practiced! Joy to the world! haha!

Lydia worked on homework, and the kids got to bed a pretty decent time!


There was a mystery smell in the air this morning. The news reports that no one knows what it was. It smelled like garbage!

I had a dentist appointment after work. I wasn't looking forward to it, but it didn't take long. I had a hole in my top, far right tooth. They had to numb me twice! In fact, my whole right side of my face was numb afterwards.

Church services were great, and no one was rushed since the World Series game was postponed! lol!


We spent the evening watching the World Series game... What a night!!!!!!!! Go Cards!


We were tired for most of the day, but seeing that game last night was worth it! We again watched the game this evening! Lydia and I glued to the tv! Yay Cardinals!


I knew that today was gonna be eventful, and I was right! We got up, ate a quick, light breakfast, and headed off to church. We participated in 'Harvest Festival'. We dressed up in biblical costumes along with others in our church. I was the Matthew the tax collector. Lydia was Lydia the seller of purple. Mysia was Naaman's servant girl. And Malachi was the prophet Malachi.

The kids played games, and took part in several activities. I helped with some face-painting, and even got a mustache! I helped set up the pie-eating contest, in which Sam won! I also took part in the chopstick jellybean race... I came in second place, to Sam! Go figure! ;)

After the church activity, we headed to the mall to take surveys of the shoppers there. It was an assignment that Lydia had for one of her college classes. The kids played in the play area.

When we got home, Lydia pulled out her homework. The kids and I ate and watched tv before they went to bed.


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