Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well, this is the last post of the year for the blog. I want to thank all for following and reading what I've been posting! It's been a wonderful year, and we've been blessed with all that has happened!

I'm looking forward to see what the next year holds! Of course, I'll keep updating this blog!


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thursday Thoughts: The Pogo Sticks

One of the kids at church mentioned that he got a pogo stick for Christmas. Boy, did that bring back memories! As kids, my brother and I received pogo sticks too. They were awesome. I remember the first several weeks trying to 'pogo' more than 20 times. It was difficult. We eventually got it down, and could go on forever. But there were a few things we learned along the way.

Pogo sticks come with a rubber stop at the bottom, much like the ones on the end of a cane or walking stick. This helps with traction and keeps the metal from damaging your sidewalks and driveway! The one problem was that when you'd land on the ground, the rubber stop would come off the pogo, and would be buried deep into the dirt. The harder you landed the further down it was. Needless to say, my mom had several holes in her yard near the driveway and sidewalk!

I had also found out that it was best not to Pogo near a fence. If you got off balance, or just bounced the wrong way... it hurt! Chain-link fences aren't very forgiving when you slam into them!

However, besides jumping with them, my brother and I found that they made great-looking pretend machine guns when playing war with the other kids in the neighborhood. Then you could use them as an escape to dodge bullets! ha!

Some people may think their dangerous, but to me... they were great fun! Great times and memories!


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Week Rundown (12/18/2011-12/24/2011)


Since I had been sick on Saturday and our car was left at church from Friday night, I didn't run vans. I was able to ride in with to church Lydia and the kids. We had breakfast as part of our Sunday School with everyone bringing a dish. During the morning services, Mysia and Malachi took part in the Children's Christmas Program. Mysia had a solo part, and did very well! Malachi participated as well and didn't miss a beat.

We went home for lunch, took naps, and then headed back to church a bit early so that Mysia could practice for the Youth Nativity Pageant that they were performing during the evening services. She was one of the angels. It was neat seeing the kids acting out all the parts. Truly a special program!


This week, Lydia and I both had off from work. Lydia was glad to get a rest from both work and school. After dropping the kids off at school and work, we went Christmas food and gift shopping! The goal was to get as much done before lunch. We tried, and actually made it home before 1:30!

We picked up the kids and came home. The kids played while before we had supper. I had quartet practice.


I left Lydia at home and took the kids to school and daycare. I then visited my mom at the BBC library before going into work. Yes... on my week off, I went into work for a few to be a part of the weekly business meeting. Good thing... I got a Christmas bonus!!! ;)

We had Titus and Jordin over for supper and visit. It was nice to be able to hang out, visit, and talk! We hadn't really had a chance to get to know our fairly new sister-in-law, and this gave us the chance! We were having such a great time, we were saddened to realize how fast the evening had gone when it was time for them to leave..


We left the house, dropped the kids off at daycare and school, and headed to the mall. Lydia and her sisters had planned to hang out and shop. I had decided to go and venture around not knowing that the guys would show up too!

I then dropped Lydia off at work so that she could attend the office Christmas party and finish up some work. I then headed into work for our office Christmas party as well! I tell you, I just can't stay away. Perhaps its the food! ;)

After the party, I picked up the kids and then picked up Lydia from work. We headed home and ate supper. Since we didn't have any services tonight, so we stayed home and watched Christmas movies!!!


I got up and took the kids to school and daycare. Lydia and I got a few things done around the house in preparation for tomorrow. However, Lydia found she was missing some ingredients, so she tried leaving... the van woulnd't start!!!

I got ready, picked up Abigail, and met Greg and Sam at Jordan Creek Nursing home. We set up the sound equipment and sang for the residents for about 45 minutes. They seemed to enjoy hearing our Christmas songs. I know we enjoyed singing them! Unfortunately, since I was down to one vehicle, Abigail and I had to rush out so that I could make it in time to grab Mysia from school. Sure enough, we made it with almost no time to spare.

Mysia and I dropped Abigail off at her house, ran to the store to grab some food, picked up a pizza, and then got Malachi. When I arrived home, our friend Ben had came by and looked at our van. He had jumped it, but we weren't quite sure what the problem was. We think it may be the fuel pump? (I hope not)

This evening, Lydia worked on food and we watched some Christmas specials on TV.


Early to rise for us! Today was Christmas #1 with Lydia's family! But first.... pictures at Sears portrait studio at the mall. We got up, got showered and dressed, and headed out. We stopped by Krispy Kreams to pick up free donuts we had received vouchers for from the Christmas parade a couple of weeks ago.

Amazingly, we arrived to Sears 30 minutes before our appointment. So we waited for the others to show up. When they did, we confused the photographer since there were so many shots we wanted. With six siblings, three that are couples, and one a family with two kids... I felt for the guy. Fortunately, with the first group shot, we got it in the first take!!!! WOW!!!

After pictures, we headed back to our house for dinner and gifts. Lydia and I had set up the dinning room and kitchen to sit everyone. As the rest of dinner was being prepared, Mysia and Malachi kept eating the vegetables. I wasn't going to stop them... better then eating all the cookies and snacks! After we all sat down and gave thanks, we gobbled up the 22-lb turkey with all the fixings! Yum.

We visited some more and then piled into the living room to exchange gifts. The kids were excited, but it seems that everyone else was as well since there were several hollers for joy when gifts were opened! ;) With the opening of gifts completed, we watched "A Nativity Story" and packed up the food. Everyone took turns playing "Just Dance" on the Wii. It was fun watching everyone trying to keep up with the characters on-screen. Mysia and Malachi did well with their turns. We played board and card games for the rest of the evening, and I even brought out Mario Kart 64. Boy, those graphics look horrible on a flat screen tv!

We were all getting tired and sleepy, so everyone left for home and bed. Mysia had crashed on the couch among all the noise! Malachi was still as hyper as could be. Lydia and I packed our things and we headed to my parents house for the night. Once there, we let the kids and their cousins open gifts of pajamas for the night, and then had them go to sleep. We visited for a bit, but were too tired to really hold a conversation.


We had spent the night at my folks' house, so we woke up and had breakfast. We visited and the kids played. We then got ready and went to open the gifts. We let the kids open a few before we did our 'dirty santa' gift exchange. It was fun... several of the gifts were 'stolen' several times! I think it went very well!

The kids got quite a bit, and some of the presents required assembly! Daddy time!!! But hey, that gives me a good excuse to play with the toys!

Dinner  time came around, and we set up the 'buffet table' with all the food. Just like yesterday, the food was fantastic! We were a bit tired afterwards, so we cleaned up and took naps. I don't know who needed it more... us or the kids! Once we woke up, it was time to get ready for Candlelight Services at church. I also packed up everything into the van.

We tried to leave... but the van wouldn't start! It just clicked when I turned the ignition. So we pushed it out of the driveway, and piled into other cars. We made it to church just as services were starting! Everyone was there for the services, and we had a special surprise... Silas announced that Kristi was expecting!!!

My dad dropped me off at the house so I could pick up the car. We spent the rest of the evening watching a movie before heading home. It was past midnight when we pulled into the driveway! Christmas had arrived!!!


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Week Rundown (12/11/2011-12/17/2011)


As usual for Sunday mornings, I ran the van route and we attended Sunday School. During the morning services, I took part in our church's Christmas Cantata. It was an exciting presentation, and the theme was Jesus, King of Love.

After the evening services, we enjoyed fellowship and food in celebration of those who have had birthdays and anniversaries in the month of December.


This week was finals for Lydia! She had studied hard and was looking forward to this week to come and go by quickly. With some of the assignments, she was getting a bit stressed out. If you're friends with Lydia on facebook, you'd see how relieved she was to get today's final over with!

After coming home and eating, I left Lydia and the kids to go practice with the quartet. As I've mentioned in other posts, we've been working on our Christmas songs. We are scheduled to sing on December 22, at 3:30 at Jordan Creek Nursing and Rehab.


Lydia had another final today, she was glad to get it over with.

This evening was the KWFC Christmas party. After work, we dropped the kids off at Aunt Lycia's and rushed over to the Tower Club. My boss had gifts for everyone. The dinner was great and we were able enjoy a great time in games and conversation.


Tonight was special for the children's services at church. It was awards night! We were able to show a video of our missionary project, congratulate the kids on their achievements, and enjoy a snack afterwards.


Today, Abigail joined me for lunch at the college cafeteria. On Thursday's, they charge only $3... it's a great deal that I try to take advantage of every week. And since it was the last time for the year (week of finals), it was a must go!

After work, Lydia and I met at Rib Crib to celebrate her graduating from OTC! It had been long two years, and we're so happy for her!


Today was 'Malachi & Daddy Day'. We got to go Christmas shopping for Mysia. Of course, we played with the toys and looked around while we were out too. We got donuts and came home. I let Malachi pick out a movie, and we watched it together. I then pulled out the huge Christmas train and we set it up in the living room. That kept us busy for the rest of the day.

Malachi took a nap after eating lunch and then we went to pick up Mysia from school. Today was Friday sing, so Malachi and I got to join her in front of the entire school for the weekly student awards. That's what happens if you show up as a parent during the Friday sing.

I then took the kids out shopping for Lydia's Christmas gift from them. Not the most enjoyable part of the Christmas traditions... but it had to be done! I made them hold hands while shopping, that way they wouldn't touch things. I'd like to say that the idea worked, but it didn't.

After Lydia came home from work, we got dressed up and headed to church for the Christmas banquet. It was a wonderful evening!


I woke up in the morning with horrible stomach cramps! I was to do vans for the children's Christmas party at church, but that didn't happened. I spent most of the morning doubled over in pain as my stomach played war within my body!

Lydia and Abigail (who had spent the night) got the kids ready and headed to church without me. Mysia and Malachi got to enjoy the Christmas party and also practice for their programs to be held on Sunday.

Lydia took the kids shopping for my gift. She got to experience the same type of shopping I did on Friday! ;) She also stopped by and visited grandma Taylor before coming home. I was feeling better by the evening, but my stomach was still sore from the intense cramping. We watched movies before getting ready for bed.


Friday, December 16, 2011

Vacation Time!!!

Well, today starts my 2 week vacation from work! It's gonna be fun, but there are a lot of things I'm wanting to accomplish. Will I get them done? I don't know.

Today I'm spending the day with Malachi, and working on getting the desktop computer up and running. Lydia and I both have personal laptops, but we're planning on using the desktop as the school/office computer. It's basically going to be set up for Lydia to use for her homework, so that she can focus without distractions.

I'm also thinking about redoing my laptop. It has been a little sluggish lately, and I think I've installed to many programs on it that are running in the background. It'd be good to have a refresh. I just hate the fact that I'll have to re-install everything. That's the worse part.

Of course, next week I'll get to spend with Lydia since she'll be off work as well. The kids still have school, so we're going to get some Christmas shopping done and try and get a few things done around the house. Of course, it's going to be a short week with us having three Christmases, the first one starting on Friday!

Did I mention that we'll also be doing some food preparation for Christmas? That's our plan for Thursday. That means shopping for the food too!

Yesterday, I pulled out my portable LP (record) player. And yes, there is such a thing. It just a record player with an AC plug and audio output. It's bigger than a laptop, yet lighter! Well, it hadn't been working, so I took it apart and found that the rubber band on the motor had fallen off. So now it spins, but now I'm not hearing sound! Oh the frustration! lol. More things to work on I guess.

I figure I'll have some withdraws from not going into work. And I'm guessing I'll probably stop in for a bit after Christmas. Have I mentioned that I love my job? However, it's nice to get a break. The last few weeks have been hectic. But, then again, I'm happy with what I've accomplished. Plus, there are some really cool things that are coming up in the new year!


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Week Rundown (12/04/2011-12/10/2011)


I did the vans at church, picking up the kids. There was excitement in the air for the activity after morning services!

Church provided lunch for the kids (and us workers), then we headed out for Christmas caroling at one of the heath-care facilities near by. The children passed out ornaments they had made while singing. The residents enjoyed the interaction.

We arrived back at church with enough time for me to partake in choir practice before evening services. Things were going pretty good, and we were a little tired. Mysia had a fever when we returned home. Great...... :(


Mysia was sick. She had a high fever! I stayed home for the first half of the day so Lydia could take an exam at college. Then Lydia spent the rest of the day at home watching Mysia and doing homework.

Malachi and I came home this evening, Mysia was feeling better, and her temperature had gone down. We watched "Home Alone" while eating supper. The kids giggled and enjoyed all the pranks Kevin pulled on the 'bad guys'. Made me appreciate the fact that I had a great family growing up! Ha!


Woke up to snow. Mysia's fever was gone, but didn't go school since she needed to be 24 hours symptom free. Lydia took Malachi to daycare before heading to school then work. It was decided that Mysia would spend the day with me, so we got ready and headed to my work.

Mysia was my little 'secretary' since she spent the entire day in my office. She drew pictures, watched movies on the portable dvd player, and then decided that my office needed organized. She made sure that I kept things in order as I tried to complete my tasks for the day!

On the way home, the roads were still a little slick. A car decided to stop in the lane in front of me. No flashers, no warning. I hit the brakes, thinking I had enough room. I would have too... but the roads were slick. I had veered away, but still got the edges of our bumpers. Both of us pulled into a parking lot, I got out and he drove up further away. So I got back in my car, and he left! I've got a little damage, but my car is still good!

Once home, ate and watched "Home Alone 2". I thought the kids were giggly over the last movie, but boy.... they really enjoyed the pranks tonight! It was fun watching them over the movie!


I got to do the air-shift at work from 3-6pm and played some great Christmas music!

This evening was "fun night" at church for the children's services. We were all tired when we got home, so we went straight to bed.


Made potato soup in the crock-pot before heading into work. Lydia did a major presentation for her Honors. She did great, and she's glad its over... now she's working on the studying for finals.

I did the another on-air shift at work. I had a blast!

We ate when I came home. We listened to the radio while we ate, then the kids played for a bit. After they had their showers, we relaxed on the couch listening to Christmas music.


After getting off work, we met at home and ate a quick supper. Mysia packed up her overnight things and left with me for my parents' house. I dropped her off, picked up my dad, and we headed off to church for choir cantata practice. We sang and sang...


We woke up and slowly got around. Malachi watched cartoons, and we had bacon and eggs for breakfast. Yum!

This afternoon, we picked up Mysia and Abigail before heading downtown for the Christmas parade. The weather was warmer than last year, and we got a good spot. The kids got candy and soda!

We stopped and got a quick lunch at McDonald's before doing some shopping. We were able to find a few Christmas gifts and the kids found some toys they were able to purchase with some of their 'savings'.


Friday, December 9, 2011

Designing a Calendar...

Last year, during my Christmas vacation, I took on a commission to put together a calendar for KWFC radio. It was rough. I had an entire week to put together a calendar from scratch, making graphics and making sure the events were in. But I loved the radio station, and was up for the challenge. Plus, at the time, I was hoping for the possibility of someday working there doing graphic design, etc.

The work paid off... 4 months later, I got the job! It's been a blast working for KWFC! Never a dull moment, and I've had the chance to design some awesome material.

This week, I was back working on the calendar! We've been planning it for weeks, but this week has been the one for getting it all down. There are only a few more tweaks to be made on Monday, but I'm happy to report that it's almost completed! I'm excited that we get to put another event calendar in the hands of our listening audience.

So, for those who got one last year, pay attention... a new one will be available soon!


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Week Rundown (11/27/2011-12/03/2011)


I woke up early, got ready, and took Malachi to church with me. This morning was Men's Prayer Breakfast. However, when we arrived at church, we found that the battery was dead in the van I drive. Come to find out, one of the kids had turned on the back dome lights over the week, and it had drained all the juice from the battery. I finally got the van jumped and we ate breakfast.
The kids and I rested during the afternoon while Lydia worked on her homework, then it was back to church for evening services.


After having five days off with no work or school, things were back to normal, however... a bit hectic. Lydia came home with Malachi before I got off work, so that she could focus on some of her homework. I picked up Mysia and stopped by the store to pick up some things we had ran out of over the weekend.

Lydia had Thanksgiving casserole made by the time I arrived home. We ate and then the kids watched a movie before going to bed.


After work, I picked up Abigail and we met Lydia and the kids at home. We ate supper and got the kids ready for bed. Abigail was our sitter for the night so Lydia and I could go out. We attended an activity for Lydia's college honors society at the bowling alley. It was fun, and we got to enjoy a free game of bowling.

During our second game of bowling, I got a call from Abigail. Malachi had wet the bed, she helped change him and the bed, but he was throwing a huge fit and wouldn't calm down. Lydia tried talking to him over the phone, it wasn't working. We rushed home.

Come to find out, Abigail had given him pajama bottoms and a regular t-shirt. It bothered him, but he was too 'out of it' to explain it to her. He couldn't go to sleep with everything not being 'just right'.  Ugh..... kids!!!


Tonight was church. Lydia had homework, and we stayed up late.


We were supposed to have discipleship this evening, but to Lydia's relief, it was cancelled. Lydia had to focus on homework. The kids and I watched a movie, I made chocolate pudding, then we got ready for bed.


Today was my day off. The kids had daycare and school, and Lydia had school and work. I stayed home and worked on things around the house. For the afternoon, I met Lydia for lunch at her work. We hadn't the chance to meet up for lunch in a while, so it was nice.

This evening, we had our friends, the Hailes, over for supper and fellowship. We ate, played games, and visited. The kids enjoyed having other kids over, and we enjoyed the company as well! It was past the kids' bedtime when they left, but it was an enjoyable time... we didn't care!


We got up and had a slow morning. The house was in order, so we just relaxed. We had the Copelands over for lunch. We visited and watched several updates of MythBusters.

I had to leave for the Christmas Concert hosted by my work (the radio station). I was in charge of the slide presentation for the entire concert. Lydia and the kids attended our Sunday School Class' Christmas party. They had fun, eating and exchanging gifts.

At the end of the concert, I had the privilege of going on stage with all the artists and singing along with the other bass singers (including my boss). We sang three Christmas carols for the audience. Talk about fun!!!


Late again...

Yup... are you surprised? I am running late on making posts! I haven't even gotten my "week runthrough" posted yet! And yes, that frustrates me!

There has been a lot going on, and I've neglected posting yet again. I could go on with excuses (holidays approaching, busy at work, busy at home, etc), but I won't. ;)

To see some of the stuff I've been up to, you can log onto my work's website (

Anyway, I'll see if I can post more soon! By the way, only a two and a half weeks until Christmas!!!


Thursday, December 1, 2011

An Example of True Giving...

This evening I got to witness the true "Christmas Spirit" while shopping at the grocery store after work. It was amazing…

While in line, there was a man paying for his groceries in at the cashier next to me. He was short $100 for his total. Without hesitation, the man behind him pulled out a hundred dollar bill and gave it to the cashier!!! Wow!

After they left, the cashier and the sacking lady were both still in shock. They admitted that they couldn't believe what had just happened. It sent goose-bumps along my arms and a chill up my spine. What an uplifting experience!

Things like that truly make this the most wonderful time of the year!!!
