Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Week Rundown (12/04/2011-12/10/2011)


I did the vans at church, picking up the kids. There was excitement in the air for the activity after morning services!

Church provided lunch for the kids (and us workers), then we headed out for Christmas caroling at one of the heath-care facilities near by. The children passed out ornaments they had made while singing. The residents enjoyed the interaction.

We arrived back at church with enough time for me to partake in choir practice before evening services. Things were going pretty good, and we were a little tired. Mysia had a fever when we returned home. Great...... :(


Mysia was sick. She had a high fever! I stayed home for the first half of the day so Lydia could take an exam at college. Then Lydia spent the rest of the day at home watching Mysia and doing homework.

Malachi and I came home this evening, Mysia was feeling better, and her temperature had gone down. We watched "Home Alone" while eating supper. The kids giggled and enjoyed all the pranks Kevin pulled on the 'bad guys'. Made me appreciate the fact that I had a great family growing up! Ha!


Woke up to snow. Mysia's fever was gone, but didn't go school since she needed to be 24 hours symptom free. Lydia took Malachi to daycare before heading to school then work. It was decided that Mysia would spend the day with me, so we got ready and headed to my work.

Mysia was my little 'secretary' since she spent the entire day in my office. She drew pictures, watched movies on the portable dvd player, and then decided that my office needed organized. She made sure that I kept things in order as I tried to complete my tasks for the day!

On the way home, the roads were still a little slick. A car decided to stop in the lane in front of me. No flashers, no warning. I hit the brakes, thinking I had enough room. I would have too... but the roads were slick. I had veered away, but still got the edges of our bumpers. Both of us pulled into a parking lot, I got out and he drove up further away. So I got back in my car, and he left! I've got a little damage, but my car is still good!

Once home, ate and watched "Home Alone 2". I thought the kids were giggly over the last movie, but boy.... they really enjoyed the pranks tonight! It was fun watching them over the movie!


I got to do the air-shift at work from 3-6pm and played some great Christmas music!

This evening was "fun night" at church for the children's services. We were all tired when we got home, so we went straight to bed.


Made potato soup in the crock-pot before heading into work. Lydia did a major presentation for her Honors. She did great, and she's glad its over... now she's working on the studying for finals.

I did the another on-air shift at work. I had a blast!

We ate when I came home. We listened to the radio while we ate, then the kids played for a bit. After they had their showers, we relaxed on the couch listening to Christmas music.


After getting off work, we met at home and ate a quick supper. Mysia packed up her overnight things and left with me for my parents' house. I dropped her off, picked up my dad, and we headed off to church for choir cantata practice. We sang and sang...


We woke up and slowly got around. Malachi watched cartoons, and we had bacon and eggs for breakfast. Yum!

This afternoon, we picked up Mysia and Abigail before heading downtown for the Christmas parade. The weather was warmer than last year, and we got a good spot. The kids got candy and soda!

We stopped and got a quick lunch at McDonald's before doing some shopping. We were able to find a few Christmas gifts and the kids found some toys they were able to purchase with some of their 'savings'.


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