Thursday, December 22, 2011

Week Rundown (12/11/2011-12/17/2011)


As usual for Sunday mornings, I ran the van route and we attended Sunday School. During the morning services, I took part in our church's Christmas Cantata. It was an exciting presentation, and the theme was Jesus, King of Love.

After the evening services, we enjoyed fellowship and food in celebration of those who have had birthdays and anniversaries in the month of December.


This week was finals for Lydia! She had studied hard and was looking forward to this week to come and go by quickly. With some of the assignments, she was getting a bit stressed out. If you're friends with Lydia on facebook, you'd see how relieved she was to get today's final over with!

After coming home and eating, I left Lydia and the kids to go practice with the quartet. As I've mentioned in other posts, we've been working on our Christmas songs. We are scheduled to sing on December 22, at 3:30 at Jordan Creek Nursing and Rehab.


Lydia had another final today, she was glad to get it over with.

This evening was the KWFC Christmas party. After work, we dropped the kids off at Aunt Lycia's and rushed over to the Tower Club. My boss had gifts for everyone. The dinner was great and we were able enjoy a great time in games and conversation.


Tonight was special for the children's services at church. It was awards night! We were able to show a video of our missionary project, congratulate the kids on their achievements, and enjoy a snack afterwards.


Today, Abigail joined me for lunch at the college cafeteria. On Thursday's, they charge only $3... it's a great deal that I try to take advantage of every week. And since it was the last time for the year (week of finals), it was a must go!

After work, Lydia and I met at Rib Crib to celebrate her graduating from OTC! It had been long two years, and we're so happy for her!


Today was 'Malachi & Daddy Day'. We got to go Christmas shopping for Mysia. Of course, we played with the toys and looked around while we were out too. We got donuts and came home. I let Malachi pick out a movie, and we watched it together. I then pulled out the huge Christmas train and we set it up in the living room. That kept us busy for the rest of the day.

Malachi took a nap after eating lunch and then we went to pick up Mysia from school. Today was Friday sing, so Malachi and I got to join her in front of the entire school for the weekly student awards. That's what happens if you show up as a parent during the Friday sing.

I then took the kids out shopping for Lydia's Christmas gift from them. Not the most enjoyable part of the Christmas traditions... but it had to be done! I made them hold hands while shopping, that way they wouldn't touch things. I'd like to say that the idea worked, but it didn't.

After Lydia came home from work, we got dressed up and headed to church for the Christmas banquet. It was a wonderful evening!


I woke up in the morning with horrible stomach cramps! I was to do vans for the children's Christmas party at church, but that didn't happened. I spent most of the morning doubled over in pain as my stomach played war within my body!

Lydia and Abigail (who had spent the night) got the kids ready and headed to church without me. Mysia and Malachi got to enjoy the Christmas party and also practice for their programs to be held on Sunday.

Lydia took the kids shopping for my gift. She got to experience the same type of shopping I did on Friday! ;) She also stopped by and visited grandma Taylor before coming home. I was feeling better by the evening, but my stomach was still sore from the intense cramping. We watched movies before getting ready for bed.


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