Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thursday Thoughts: The Pogo Sticks

One of the kids at church mentioned that he got a pogo stick for Christmas. Boy, did that bring back memories! As kids, my brother and I received pogo sticks too. They were awesome. I remember the first several weeks trying to 'pogo' more than 20 times. It was difficult. We eventually got it down, and could go on forever. But there were a few things we learned along the way.

Pogo sticks come with a rubber stop at the bottom, much like the ones on the end of a cane or walking stick. This helps with traction and keeps the metal from damaging your sidewalks and driveway! The one problem was that when you'd land on the ground, the rubber stop would come off the pogo, and would be buried deep into the dirt. The harder you landed the further down it was. Needless to say, my mom had several holes in her yard near the driveway and sidewalk!

I had also found out that it was best not to Pogo near a fence. If you got off balance, or just bounced the wrong way... it hurt! Chain-link fences aren't very forgiving when you slam into them!

However, besides jumping with them, my brother and I found that they made great-looking pretend machine guns when playing war with the other kids in the neighborhood. Then you could use them as an escape to dodge bullets! ha!

Some people may think their dangerous, but to me... they were great fun! Great times and memories!


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