Friday, June 11, 2010

Malachi: “Oh Wow” (Friday, 06/11/10)

Malachi is a smart 2 year-old! Every day he surprises me with something he says or does. He seems to notice things that I wouldn't think a kid his age would, and he has a great mind for figuring things out!

His words and sentences are also "big" as well. For example, the other day while Lydia was driving the car and we were heading home, Malachi piped up and said, "Daddy, I thought you were going to drive..." That stunned me! I'm always assuming simple sentences coming from his mouth.

Well, there is one thing that it special (or specific) about Malachi's way of wording things. And if you are around him quite a bit, you catch on. But let me explain...

It all started when he first started doing things, like crawling and saying words. When he would make some accomplishment, whether great or small, Lydia and I would comment with "Oh wow!" We obviously also used it at the end of sentences when pointing out something. For example, let's say we were pointing out a hot rod while driving. We'd say, "Hey Malachi, look over there at that cool car. Oh wow!"

I guess this has caused Malachi to add the phrase to the end of most of his exclamations! When coming to show us something, he'll explain it, and then say "Oh wow!" It's funny. He'll add it all the time. It's now an expression that is constantly used for everything. So if you're around him sometime, take note. It's pretty neat. You'll never know what he'll come up with!

Oh wow!


1 comment:

Katja Müller said...

I love the way you write, Matt. You are always drawing a good picture and it's fun to read it. You should write a book, it could be a best seller ;)