Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Week Rundown! (06/20/10 - 06/26/10)

Wow... I'm having trouble sending these through correctly I guess.... Here's the late week rundown!


Ahh... Father's Day!

Mysia had given me at tie she had helped make at daycare. It was a regular tie that had "Happy Father's Day 2010" written on it. She was proud of it! So I wore it to church!

After the morning services, we spent the afternoon at my parent's house. Since I drove the church van, Lydia beat me there, and they were in the pool when I arrived. Steak was on the grill, so I changed and joined in the fun!

When dinner was ready, we got out of the pool, but first I tossed Mysia into the air and she under the water she went. We did that a few times. Well, upon the 5th time, she popped back up with a wide-eyed expression on her face. "Daddy! I lost my tooth!" she exclaimed!

Sure enough, her loose tooth had came out! This was the third one to do so! However, loosing it the pool was a first for me! Who would have thought. I tried searching for it, but had no luck. Abigail had goggles, so she dove down and after several attempts, found it! It's a good thing... those roots on it were sharp!

The steak was great! After eating we put the kids down for a nap and visited. Lydia took a nap too! I worked on a wedding program for Saturday, and almost dosed off a few times myself!

Evening services was neat... Pastor asked for testimonies about fathers before doing any preaching. Well, the testimonies kept going that he didn't have time to preach! It had been a while since we've attended a service like that.. it was great!


We woke up tired, and in fact.. we slept in! Whooops! No gym today and Lydia had a test for her first class, so it was "hurry hurry" out the door!

The evening went by fairly well. We ate leftovers, which were still good of course.  The kids watched cartoons and played. Lydia gave plasma, and I worked on some projects. However, the biggest highlight of the day for me was installing the new operating system (iOS4) onto our iPhones! I was giddy with excitement with some of the new features! It took a while for the download and install, but I'm very happy with the changes.


Today was about average. After supper, we had the kids work on their rooms, picking up toys, etc. I helped Malachi, and we we got his room organized. Mysia did a great job on her own.

The grand activity of the evening was that we got rid of the big desk in the living room. We're making progress in our attempt to organize things more, and in anticipation for getting our new sectional on Saturday!


Oh today was pretty normal as well. Daycare for the kids, work for me, and school for Lydia. Church in the evening, and Mysia went home with my parents since Abigail wanted her to spend the night.


We took Malachi to daycare, Mysia spent the whole day with Abigail and Granny. I had a pretty busy workday. Lydia started her job.. When she picked me up from work, she was excited and really likes her new job.

Malachi, Lydia, and I came home and had spaghetti for dinner before heading out to my parents' house. Lydia dropped Malachi and I off. She then headed of to give plasma. We went inside, got into our swimming clothes, then joined Mysia and Abigail in the pool! We played and played. The kids were having a blast! Granny and Granddad soon joined, much to the delight of M&M. I'm guessing we spent over two hours in the pool before going inside!

We visited for a bit, and then headed home.


Six months until Christmas! (I have to put that in!)

We woke up and was running late. We knew that if we'd getting later, we'd miss out on the workout at the gym. Well, we were loading the kids in the car when I noticed that our front-passenger tire was flat!

So they patiently waited as I put on the spare tire. We got the kids dropped off at daycare, but by the time we got to the gym, it was to late to do anything but quickly get our showers!

Lydia had a full day at her work, so that meant she dropped me off a little early, and picked me up a little later than normal time. We headed home, ate supper, then left for Sam's Club to get that tire fixed. Well, it appears that we took too long to get there, because we arrived 5 minutes too late for them to take me in for the tire! We ended up grocery shopping.

On the way home, we stopped by the store and rented the "Rug Doctor". After the kids went to bed, we moved our old couch out into the garage and took the other furniture out of the living room. I then cleaned the carpet! It got several of the stain/spots out!


We had so much planned today, and it got messed up!

I woke up early, not getting to sleep in like the rest, and headed back to Sam's Club to quickly get the tire fixed! tam is early on a Saturday!

They fixed it for free, so I was happy. However, on the way home, the car engine kept shuttering and kick when sitting at the intersection. It was really bad. I pulled into the driveway and it was still doing it, so I called Lydia and told her I'm taking it into the shop. She reminded me that there was a birthday party at 10 and the church VBS visitation too. Both I knew, but the car needed to be looked at. Our week was going to be too busy to take it in, so this needed looked at ASAP!

At the shop, I told them what the problem was. They looked at me in disbelief. But that changed when they brought it in! I watched as they were looking at it, and it kicked real hard! The look on the mechanics face was a sight! I watched as they started looking all over the engine.

I decided to use my phone and look on google. I found that some people had my problem when the radiator fan was not working. So when they told that the engine mount was cracked and needed replaced, and that would fix the problem... I acted perplexed. I asked if it could be that the fan might not be working. I was told that they doubted it, but I seen on one of the mechanic's face that he was giving it thought. So I watched as they put the mount in, and they were looking at the fan...

Sure enough! The fan motor needed replaced. $350+ for the part! Ouch! Oh, by this time, it was already past going to that birthday party. But the car needed fixed. I finally got home at noon!

The next order of the day was getting new beds from my grandma, and then the sectional/couch! I headed over to my parents house to help my dad load the beds in his trailer. Guess what? He had a flat on his trailer!!!! We got that fixed, and got a king-sized bed and a twin bed in the trailer! It was humid and hot, so it was quite a job! We then unloaded beds at the house and went to pick up the sectional. It didn't take too long, and we were finished. I'm so thankful my dad helped me out! Otherwise I wouldn't have gotten it done!

We then got ready and headed to church for the wedding of Ike and Holly. On the way, we dropped off the "rug Doctor" and the car kicked! Several times!!!! Ooooh! Did that make us mad! Here we spent all this money to get the car fixed, and it was still acting up!It sure didn't make us happy at all.

Anyway, it was a nice wedding. I took some video and pictures. The wedding ended with bang... fireworks! It was quite a show!

Back at home, we put the kids to bed, and I set up the bed in our room. We put the sheets in the wash and sat on our new sectional to wait until they were done. After falling asleep, we woke up to find they had not dried all the way, so we spent most of the night sleeping on the couch! They finally dried and we got to crawl into the bed at 5am! What a day.... but Sunday was to turn out just as busy..........................................


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