Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ouch! Glass in my Foot (Friday, 06/17/10)

Today, I took a nice walk at lunch, which has became a new routine for me. I was on my way back to work and the sun was beating down on me as I trekked along the road in the 90° heat! I wasn't really paying attention to the road before me... my mind in the clouds I guess. All of a sudden, there was a crunch, and a sharp pain in my left foot. I immediately hopped on my right leg and gasped in pain. Oh, did it hurt!

I had stepped on a piece of glass that went through the sole of my shoe and into my foot! It was tightly logged in the tread of my shoe, and I couldn't pull my foot out due to the fact it piercing my foot. Not the best situation while on the side of a road with a good amount of traffic, and no sidewalk!

I bit down on my teeth, enduring the pain, as I wiggled the glass out of my foot and shoe! The glass was fairly large, and was surprised that it had easily found it's way through my shoe! I ended up limping my way back to work, hopping that there wasn't too much blood. When I got back to my desk, I cleaned and bandaged my foot!

The one complaint about the whole ordeal though.... a good sock has a hole in it, thanks to the glass!


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