Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Week Rundown! (06/13/10 - 06/19/10)

(I meant to post this on Monday, but forgot to click 'send')


What a nice day! Weather was pretty good, and services were great!

We had lunch with our associate Pastor and his wife at McDonald's. The kids played for a while i the play area before we got the food. After eating, Mysia got to talk to them about her salvation, assuring us all that she understood. We also talked about her baptism... more on that later though!

Evening service was good as well! 


When we got home, the kids were already tired from a fun day at daycare. Lydia had to run off to a honors program meeting. I got the kids showered and ready for bed. I got Malachi in bed, and received word that Gampa (Lydia's dad) was going to stop by. So I got Mysia finished up by the time he showed up, and let Malachi get up.

They both got to wrestle with Gampa and even had story time. I believe they had him read at least 6 books in a row! Of course, he won them over the second he came in the door.... he had bags of candy!

After Gampa left, we put the kids to bed. They were now super-tired! But I'm glad they got wore out!


Lydia got a call from her sister, Adria, saying she's wanting to stop by. So Lydia picked the kids up from daycare earlier, and met Adria at the house. Mysia and Malachi enjoyed that, and got to spend some time with their Aunt for a bit.

They picked me up from work, and we had supper. I then went out and mowed the lawn... and I picked a good time to do it. It was nice and cool compared to the previous days!


Well, nothing too much out of the ordinary happened today! I went to work, Lydia went to school, and the kids went to daycare!

Lydia picked Mysia up early from daycare, thinking that today was the day for Mysia's Daisy Group's field-trip to the YMCA. It's actually tomorrow! But since they were there, and our family has membership, they went swimming anyway!

We had church in the evening... but went to Walmart afterwards! What was supposed to be a quick shop, took us two hours! I got a fishing license and some food items for the trip. Lydia got some items she needed, and we picked up some flag shirts.

When we got back home, the kids were tired, and so were we!


The Daisy Group field-trip was today. Mysia got to rock climb, swim, and even canoe in the pool! She was so excited to tell me about it!

For supper, Lydia made a new dish. Rice with Mediterranean chicken. It was good! The kids were hesitant at first, but I got them to eat it!

Lydia Bio-Life (to give plasma), so while she was gone, I took the kids outside to play... I was sleepy, so I relaxed on the swing and watched them wear themselves out!

After we put the kids to bed, we watched the movie "Glory Road". It's basically "Remember the Titans" with a basketball theme. It was a good movie.


We slept in until 8:30! M&M had actually gotten up earlier, and tried to wake us up. I knew if I told them to go play, they'd get into stuff. So I told them to pick up their rooms... so what did they do? They played! :P

After getting up, I started packing for the camp-out. I had taken the day off work specifically for this activity! There was still a few things I needed from the store, so I had to make a quick run before heading out.

Malachi and I left house at 11:30. We picked up my friend Doug, and got to David's house (he lives on Stockton lake) at 12:45. Malachi had taken his nap in the car! We were hungry, so we cooked lunch on the grill and set up camp. We decided to do some fishing... Malachi quickly got bored with that, and ended up playing in the lake. Doug and I didn't catch anything, and since it was pretty hot (93 degrees with hardly any wind), we headed back to camp. We visited, ate supper, and Malachi played in the pool. I too got in the pool! It was cold, but it sure felt great!

As it got dark, others joined at the campsite. We sat around and talked, even played on our phones. Yeah... we were roughing it! We even had fans in our tents! lol! We had marshmallows over the fire, and before bed we had devotions. Malachi fell asleep during prayer. I visited for another hour before turning in shortly after midnight!

Meanwhile... back at home, after us guys left.... Mysia took nap, Lydia did homework. Mary (Doug's wife) came over around suppertime. She stayed over with Lydia, that way they had a "girls night". They ate pizza and visited. They got the idea to gym and swim, unfortunately, the pool was closed. So they went went to Jordan Valley Park and played the water there.  Came home around 9, did toenails, talked, and watched movie. Lydia said she didn't get to bed until after 3!

We all had an eventful day!


Mysia got up at 6:45, Lydia let her watch cartoons. The gals cooked breakfast.. omelets! They watched a movie and according to Lydia, they were "pretty much lazy" for the rest of the afternoon!

For us guys, things were pretty good. I woke up when the sun shone through our tent, but seeing Malachi was still asleep, I went back to sleep as well. There was some talking outside the tent, and he stirred a few times. But it wasn't until he heard one of the other kids talking did he get up!

We had had wonderful breakfast! Eggs, bacon, biscuits & gravy.... yum!. We decided to pack up a few things before it got to hot, but several were headed out on the pontoon boat and we got the invitation to come along. So the tent was abandoned and we climbed an board! Several of the little girls were there (our host's Granddaughter's, Malachi's age), and Malachi played with them instead of riding in the boat. Go figure! hehe!

I had a nice time on the lake. Unfortunately, I didn't catch anything! We came back to camp in time to prepare lunch... fried fish! We packed up what was left, ate lunch, and then headed home. Poor Malachi was tired, so he slept in the car!

At home, I unpacked the car and got a little rest. Malachi cuddled with Lydia for twenty minutes before we took our showers!

That evening, we dropped the kids off at my parents and we attended an important concert! It was a tribute concert, in remembrance of the Cathedral Quartet! Wow... what a concert! It was soooo good! Definitely worth the money for the tickets! We got to hear some classics. I knew every song that was sung! In fact, I think I sang along with each one too! I wish I had a recording of the concert......

Because of the concert, we got home late. We didn't stay up much longer, we were all tired!


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