Monday, July 18, 2011

SG POST: Working at a SG Radio Station (Part 5)

This will be my last post in this series. However, I will still post on things that happen, and my thoughts about things that come to mind. This post will give you an example of some of my future posts I hope!

As I mentioned last time, there are great treasures to be found here at KWFC! Especially in the record library. They have some neat things here. Since the station started in 1969, they've collected so much. There are albums here I've only read about, and how hard they are to come by.

For example, the station has the first two albums recorded by the Cathedral Quartet! Wow! And the best part... they're still in good condition!

So you can see how I'm excited about what's at my work! I'm surrounded by my hobby! How can one not be thrilled? ;)

I hope to pull some of these treasures out from time to time, take a good listen, and then make a post about them. I'm sure I'll find something to write about! So stay tuned!


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