Thursday, July 14, 2011

Working at a SG Radio Station (Part 2)

Like I mentioned in my last post, I now work in SG Radio. However, if you listen to KWFC, you'll realize that I'm not on the air. With that in mind, you may wonder what I do. To be honest, I'm still finding out!

My official title is "Underwriting Sales Rep./Publicity Manager".

As a Sales Representative, I get to go and try and get businesses to 'underwrite" (sponsor) the station. Yes, that is 'selling' air-time slots. It's pretty neat, and it's a new experience to me. I'm trying my best to learn how to meet and talk with new people.

I love the station and what we do, so conveying that to others isn't hard. It's just a bit difficult to find business interested in spending money. However, our rates are very reasonable, and the station has a dedicated listener audience. If only businesses realized that! Over the past weeks, I've visited a number of businesses. I hope to get some new underwriters soon.

As publicity manger, I get to do a lot of neat things. It's where my graphic design talent gets to kick into high gear! Banners, flyers, posters.... website, facebook, twitter... Oh yeah! Just visit the website to see some of my work!

There are a few more things I do too... more on that tomorrow!


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