Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Week Rundown (07/17/2011-07/23/2011)


Since Lydia was sick, I didn't run a church van. Instead, I got the kids ready and made it to church in time for Sunday School. Lydia stayed home from church all day.

On my way home, I took the kids with me into the grocery store to pick up food for lunch. We had sandwiches, the kids took naps, then watched Mythbusters before heading back to church.

Evening services went well. There was a teachers meeting afterwards, and both kids crawled all over me while I was trying to listen.

Back at home, they had a snack before bed. Lydia was still sick, so she stayed in bed for the most part. I watched an episode of 'Storm Chasers' before going to bed myself.


Lydia woke up feeling a bit better. Still not fully recovered, she didn't make into class. I took Malachi to daycare and then Mysia to daycamp before heading into work.

During the afternoon, my mom stopped by for a quick visit. She got to see my office at the radio station.

After supper we decided to play a few games on the Nintendo Wii before sending the kids to bed. We played Frisbee toss and bowling. I'll tell you what... the kids were good! Mysia beat me both times!


Tonight we played Mario Kart on the Wii. The kids did very well, and the races were close. We played five races before getting the kids ready for bed.


The day was good, but busy. Supper was quick, and we made to evening church services on time!


This evening after supper, we played Chicken Feet Dominoes as a family. It was a first for the kids, so we played with our dominoes facing out so that we could 'help' each other. They caught on quickly, and we played several rounds. It made for a very fun night.

We got them to bed and Lydia worked on homework. I was a bit wore out... so I sat around and watched some tv.


Today was Mysia's last day of summer daycamp, she was excited. They had a picnic planned and it was gonna be fun.

Lydia and I both got off of work in the afternoon. We entertained the idea of walking the mall, but decided it was too hot to venture out, and relaxed at home instead. We picked up the kids, got some pizza, and came home. We watched several episodes of the Andy Griffith Show, and then let the kids play for a while before getting ready for bed. I did a grocery run.


We woke up, packed some breakfast, and headed out to my parents' house. Ben, Ana, Elijah, and Jonathan were there. Mysia and Malachi enjoyed playing with cousin Elijah, and we got to hold our new nephew Jonathan. Of course, we visited and talked for most of the morning until late afternoon.

When it got close to nap time, we said our goodbyes and headed home. We all took a short nap. I then woke everyone up and we headed to the pool. As we paid and made our way in, there was a clasp of thunder. Everyone was made to get out, and we hadn't even gotten in the water! The rule is that they have to wait 30 minutes after the sound of thunder to allow people back into the water. They said there was no refund, so we decided to wait.

2 hours later.... we were almost ready to get in. The storm had passed around us, we received no rain, and the kids were bored! Then, out of nowhere, thunder rolled again. The lifeguards were sympathetic and gave us free passes for another day.

We came home, the kids were disappointed. So I said that they could have bubble baths and take as long as they want in the tub. That made them happy! We ate sandwiches, allowed them to play, and then it was off to bed.

Lydia and I didn't stay up too much longer, just enough to do some homework and things around the house.


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