Monday, March 26, 2012

Week Rundown (03/18/12-03/24/12


Today was "Spring Alive" at church. We had a morning service and an afternoon service with dinner in-between. Since we didn't have evening services, we came home and took naps! Then we were lazy around the house.


Today started 'spring break' for Lydia and Mysia. Lydia is using the time to get some rest and catch up on some homework. She still has work, so Mysia is getting to spend her day at the Boy's & Girl's Club, which she enjoys.

I had quartet practice this evening. Lydia and the kids spent the evening at home.


First day of spring and we get rain!!! It was also a bit colder than it had been. I was glad I had mowed over the weekend. The kids spent most of the evening playing on the computer and Nook.


Tonight we went to church. Afterwards, we came home and ate some snacks before bed.


We spent the evening at home, getting a few things done and letting the kids play.


The last day of "spring break". We spent the evening at home, rearranged a few rooms... including our bedroom. Not much fun! lol!


Like always, today was slated to be busy. Lydia had quite a bit of homework to do. The kids spent the day with her. I attended the Men's Shoot-out, held by our church. I had a great time spending time with the guys, shooting guns and enjoying the nice sunny weather.

After my fun, I headed up to Branson to man the KWFC booth for the health expo being held at the Tri-Lakes Center. Attendance was a little low, but I got to visit with several folks and even had the chance to see the SIX and Dino perform!

Lydia let the kids play outside for a bit. For supper, she took them to McDonald's. They both loved the "mommy day"!


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