Friday, July 13, 2012

I Love Reading

Growing up, I loved to read. My parents, especially my mom, encouraged reading. She’d make up stories, and as I grew older she introduced me into the Laura Ingalls Wilder books. I also remember my dad starting me with the Sugar Creek Gang! Wow! Both got me interested in history, adventure, and mystery.

I had tons of books, and enjoyed going to the library. As a pre-teen, I picked up many books as well. Hardy Boys mystery books were my favorite, and I read through all of them! I’m not kidding!

During those years, my parents then found a few “Illustrated Classics”... These were ‘simple’ abridged versions of classic literature that included a few illustrated pictures along the way. Thanks to these books, I had to read the real things later. That started my obsession!

Acquaintances often thought I was odd (go figure, not a big surprise) that I’d enjoy books they were ‘made’ to read in school. Moby Dick, Robinson Crusoe, Ben-Hur, Invisible Man, Count of Monte Cristo... are books I read hundreds of times. My book collection grew. One of my favorites: “The Complete Sherlock Holmes”.

Things got interesting when I started dating Lydia! She had me read a few relationship books. I was in “love”, so I did. They weren’t too bad. Once married, she also introduced me into some of the literature that she enjoys. I’ll admit... there is a few that are pretty good, like Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”.

Thanks to my Nook Color, and the Amazon book app, I’m able to read many of my favorites anytime! I’ve found that a lot of the “classic literature” is free. Talk about a happy guy! Lydia has also encouraged me to read other books as well, and since we share the Amazon account, we’re able to share books as well. We’ve also picked up books on relationships for couples and children. They’re great things to read. However, I still like my adventure and mystery books!

Now if only I can find more time!!!


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