Thursday, July 12, 2012

Week Rundown! (07/01/12 - 07/07/12)

Yes... this is late! But better now or never! :)


A busy day... everything was in anticipation for the evening services. We had outdoor singing, dinner on the grounds, and fireworks! Yay!


After returning home, we soon left for Hong Kong Inn to celebrate Grandma Taylor's birthday. We ate and visited before heading to my parents' house. Their pool was yuck, but the kids got to play outside and swing. We visited for a bit, ate ice cream, then left for the store. We needed food for the week, so we did a quick grocery run before heading home.


Mysia had a doctors appointment. A great report! She's almost completely healed from her tonsillectomy!!!


We started the Independence Day right... we slept in! I made pancakes for breakfast. We let the kids finger-paint while we sorted out the boxes of books and paperwork that was stored in the garage.

After naps we went swimming at my parents' house. We ate a quick supper at Arby's before heading over to OTC to watch the downtown fireworks. It was a neat show. However, after it was done, everyone headed to their cars, and the entire parking lot was in gridlock for almost 40 minutes! We just sat and waited until it cleared out before we even tried to leave.


For supper we had bean and rice burritos, and enjoyed some TV before heading to bed. It was just too hot to do much....!


Lydia picked up the kids after work and headed to the used book store to return books. With the credit, her and the kids were able to pick up some more!

I spent most of the day at work gearing up for the concert. It was promising to be a good one. Sure enough, we had over 1,500 in attendance! The Tribute Quartet and Talleys did a wonderful job. I was able to meet some of the listeners, which made the night more fun!


Got up and worked on a few house chores. Sam and I set up the sound system at a local hotel for a wedding we were going to DJ.

For the afternoon, I took the kids outside before it got too hot. They played with a few of the outside toys and swung. Once lunchtime came, we headed inside and then I put them down for naps.

I went and did some grocery shopping. Rain came through the area with strong winds... unfortunately, it just wasn't much of a downpour. Lydia and the kids played games on the Nintendo Wii while I attended the wedding this evening. It turned out well, and it was neat to be a part of a ceremony by providing the music.


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