Wednesday, September 2, 2009

News: National and Family

As I have posted before, I love browsing the news. Yes, it can be depressing at times, but facts are always interesting, and I love a good story. Sometimes the news will cause me to do a little research in the story itself, or will make me research other topics that comes to mind while reading an article.

Anyway, today has brought several things to my attention that I thought I'd share!

First off, there is a school in Idaho that is suing the state for illegally banning the Bible for use as a textbook. The article says that the school wanted to use the Bible "as a primary source of teaching material, but not to teach religion" and the they have been prohibited by their local school commission! Now that would be a case I'd like to keep tabs on!

And speaking of Bible and schooling... how about the latest on the 10-year-old home-schooled girl that has been ordered to attend a public school by a court? All because the girl was sharing her mother's religious beliefs! Wow... other home-schoolers watch out! Actually, if a court can deem that a problem, what will stop them from saying that making your children attend church regularly will cause them to "lack some youthful characteristics"?

Now I get to the highly controversial news!

There is talk about giving the President the right and control to pull the plug on the internet! Now add that story the fact that he is going to speak to all the kids in public schools about their civic duty and obeying the President.... This is getting a bit too scary!


On a much lighter note, and news from our family...

Today celebrates 6 years of marriage to Lydia. Which means that for 6 years she has put up with my jokes, puns, strange facts, and quirky humor! Happy Anniversary Lydia!!!

This morning at daycare, Mysia hit and gashed her forehead on a table. I got the call, and Lydia (having the car) left college and took Mysia to the doctor. The doctor tried to put in stitches, but Mysia wouldn't hold still. So they glued the wound shut. I haven't seen it yet, so I'll try and post a picture tomorrow.


1 comment:

Daniel Mount said...