Friday, September 11, 2009

Tagging your Facebook status!

According to an article put out by the AP yesterday, facebook will soon allow you to "tag" your friends in your status posts! It's just like what you can do with photos!

This can be a useful tool, and yet... an annoying one!

The coolness factor:
When mentioning a friend (or true relative) in your status, by tagging them, both the friend and their friends will be able to see it. Everyone is able to keep up with each other. I can see it also helping out couples, like Lydia and I. I make a status update about us both doing something, tag her, and it updates on her page as well. Cool.....

The annoying factor:
You get tagged in stupid status updates! You know those updates like the false amber alerts? I can see them being this... "An amber alert has been released for ____, abducted by green truck, plates _____!!! Tag all your friends!!!!"


And so the facebook wars will ensue! There will be those who hate the feature, but will put:  "bring back the old facebook (tag all of your friends!)" lol!


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