Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Our Visit to the Dentist

Yesterday was our our 6-month dental checkup. Mysia was excited. Like usual, the strange child that she is, she couldn't wait to go to the dentist. Our appointment wasn't until 8:30, so we dropped Malachi off to daycare before heading to the dental offices.

Our dentist is located on the 10th floor of one of the building here in town. In fact, that's the highest floor of the building. So it is a special treat for Mysia, since there aren't many building we visit that have elevators.

Once checked in, I was first to be called back. Not soon after, Lydia was placed in the rooms nearby, and Mysia stayed with her. Even though my teeth were being cleaned and checked, I could her Mysia from the other room. She was asking questions, talking about Malachi, sharing stories, etc... Mysia knows no stranger.

It took them a little longer with me since I had to have x-rays done. So while I was sitting in the chair, I got to hear that it was Mysia's turn. You could hear her squeal in delight, and she was still talking. After a while, she was quiet as they were cleaning her teeth.

Then it happened....

The moment that made me almost fall out of my chair in laughter!

One of the other nurses stopped by her room, and said, "I haven't heard a word from you in two minutes Mysia... are you alright?"


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